tayyar.org – New victim of the port explosion!


Maryam Majdouline Lahham wrote in Nidaa Al Watan:

Death is present in our Lebanon at a rapid and painful pace, and our victims accumulate the accumulation of decades of crime and neglect against the citizens … And after the lapse of seven months after the Great Holocaust of the People “Beirutshima”, the The 57-year-old survivor, “Ardim Nanjian,” joined the circle of martyrs after the Beirut port explosion blew a hole in his soul so that no treatment could fit. Beirut held a funeral for its young man who “died of pain”, and the lack of hope in Lebanon devastated his existence, his house destroyed, his shop demolished and everything he loved in terms of surroundings and relatives.

“After the explosion, Erdem lost his sense of security and his ability to be calm. The feeling of peace became difficult to achieve, and his failures continued while the state failed him, did not rebuild his area and even supported him psychologically.” I want him dead for Lebanon, ”his cousin Ravi Nanjian told“ The Call of the Nation ”with a pang, continuing:“ He had a beautiful soul associated with him with blood, sweet memories and political discussions. He was one of the masters of March 14 and a representative of the Ramgavar Lebanese-Armenian Party at the rally. He was the “beloved” servant who demanded a free, sovereign, independent and elevated Lebanon. He was also impulsive and involved in social activities. and political work, fighting for a dignified life, like any young Lebanese. During his youth he traveled to Belgium and returned from it to settle in Lebanon with his beloved, as well as fathered a daughter, who is now in her twenties. His offering was indescribable, he made his life in Lebanon with difficulty, so he did not work in the engineering sector in which he specialized, and Erdem did not find a job opportunity, and tried to work in various fields, but the The situation was not in his favor until he decided to live in one of the apartments in the family building in Gemayzeh, where he opened a veterinary store that sells supplies for animals.

On the fourth of August, Erdem was his dearest possession and dearest friends, and the compassion of the neighbors to his heart, and in a moment of no return, everything fell, and he was covered in blood, locked in his rib cage. Watching the shrapnel and destruction, and everything that was scattered with the nitrates of his life were harvested in front of his eyes, and the psychological anguish that accompanied him during the last months began. And Rafi added: “We tried to support him and get him out of the cycle of regrets and psychological fatigue, but his pain was much stronger and greater than our words that did not convince him. The martyrs, and at your command, and everyone. he saw the Lebanese turn one another away from the state that held no one accountable and did not meet its responsibilities, and none of his men even apologized. Consequently, Erdem’s mental health deteriorated and he began to suffer from insomnia, or continuous anxiety and lack of sleep, and he stopped eating and gradually lost his senses, and then the ability to control his body by not being able to walk around. a time. , then was later transferred to care. High school and passed a new martyr for the port explosion on Saturday. “The Erdem case is an example of the long-term consequences of the Beirut bombing on the Lebanese,” Sanahin Kasabian said on Facebook, adding: “Thousands of people continue to suffer the consequences of this painful soil. Psychological and emotional trauma can also kill people. “

In a telephone interview with clinical psychotherapist Nicole Absi Hani, I confirmed to Nidaa Al Watan that the past year was a heavy year for the Lebanese and imposed countless hardships on them, from the Corona pandemic to the deterioration of the standard of living with the Lebanese . collapse of the value of the Lebanese pound and the dollar crisis, at high cost, loss of jobs, high divorce rates, gender-based violence and poverty, until the explosion of the port caused all Lebanese to suffer a single psychological problem. blow that threatens children, women and men … and made them desperately in need of psychological follow-up. However, since even the health of the citizen has become costly for him with the sliding of the prices of psychological treatment and reaching the level of 300 thousand pounds, unlike the official price in the ministry “100 thousand” and the absence of Ministerial audit, Clinical psychotherapy has become a luxury, although it is a necessity especially now, unfortunately the union cannot impose a unified price because it is not a mandatory union. Hani continues: “The impact of the explosion continues to wreak havoc in devastated Beirut today. The State did not give enough importance to the psychological damage and few of them received psychological follow-up. Here, we salute all the foreign and local charities concerned about mental health that have stepped in for free assistance, but this of course is not enough, as the state must establish a referral and a cell of specialists to follow up on all. those affected, in order to avoid the tragedy and the death of innocent people like Erdem. The most important thing that people go through after an incident like this is that all the latent accumulated psychological crises in the souls explode, and sometimes they become a ghost that does not leave the shadow of its owner, such as post-traumatic stress disorder that appears . with many behaviors, starting with refraining from eating, talking and sleeping, to physical exhaustion.

We think that in death a rest, and for the soul of Erdem and his companions, the martyrs of the port of Beirut, we pray. Whatever the claims of those who are engaged in obstruction and intercourse, the people will remain, and their cohesion continues, and whoever destroyed Beirut and whose hands caught their suffocation, will release their last breath one day, when there is no mercy for him. or for those who cry.

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