Tar oil … a mystery that threatens people on Israeli shores


The government of Israel recommended that citizens refrain from visiting all the beaches that border the Mediterranean Sea, due to a mysterious oil spill that yesterday poisoned several people during an operation to clean the coastline.

Today Sunday, Israel’s Ministries of Health, Interior and Environmental Protection issued a joint recommendation urging citizens to refrain from going to the beaches with the aim of swimming and practicing sports or leisure activities, until further notice.

This recommendation applies to all Israeli coasts bordering the Mediterranean, starting from the borders of Lebanon in the north to the borders of the Gaza Strip in the south.

The recommendation warned that tar oil found on the coasts represents a risk to people’s health.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin announced that his government will vote tomorrow on a plan to clean up the affected beaches.

Netanyahu confirmed that he spoke with the Egyptian Minister of Oil and Mineral Resources, Tariq Al-Mulla, who arrived in Israel on a rare visit, the possibility of abandoning the use of fuel oil tankers in the region in favor of those operating with natural ships. gas.

Netanyahu said: “In my belief, if an alliance that includes several countries is established, within several years we will be able to make a radical change, which will bring us a clean sea, a clean country and clean beaches.”

The mystery still surrounds the reason for the leak of dozens of tons of tar that was detected about 50 km from the coast, and at that time there were 10 ships present in this area.

Yesterday, several volunteers who participated in efforts to clean up the shoreline were poisoned and taken to hospital.

Israeli forces were involved in efforts to counter the aftermath of the leak, which is believed to have killed many marine animals, including a whale that was discovered off the Israeli coast last Thursday.
