“Takrim” blows out his tenth candle and conquers fossilism


In November 2019, Beirut was supposed to host a grand celebration marking the tenth year of the “Takreem” initiative launched by Lebanese journalist Ricardo Karam. However, the protests that swept through Lebanese streets the previous month prompted a change in plans and the postponement of the event before the Corona virus eliminated the possibility of its implantation. Thus, given that the virtual world has become a space for most of our lives in the face of the pandemic, the event was finally carried out remotely in a digital version that will be projected by LBCI at 9:30 p.m. Sunday.
For decades, Ricardo Karam has proven himself among the most prominent names in the world of television, both Lebanese and Arab, and as an interlocutor of personalities from different fields, the Arab world and the world. His experience in visual media “took me to many places in my life”, according to his contact with “Al-Akhbar”. It is true that this field, which he entered as a radio station in the first place, is an essential part of the professional life of the owner of the production company RK Productions, but he is very active as a speaker and director of important seminars, workshops and conferences. in various parts of the world. Through these platforms, the Venezuelan-born journalist tries to communicate with Arab youth, urging them to “maintain a strong bond with their countries and avoid assimilation to their new societies … It is necessary for them to rebuild and advance their homelands.”
No great effort is made to know Karm’s position on the fourth authority in the Arab world. He does not hide his disgust for the reality that the problematic profession is going through today in this part of the world, and the clear changes that this field witnessed between yesterday and today. “Journalists in the Arab world are rare and sadly on the decline,” he says. He then points out that “our professional passion had no limits while the work was hard … everything has changed in the age of social media.” Today Ricardo produces documentaries through his own company and takes advantage of social networks to present his conversations to a wider audience, not forgetting that he recently tried the podcast entitled “Conversations with Ricardo Karam”.
As for “Takreem”, it is the butter of this career that has spanned nearly a quarter of a century. With his calm and warm voice, Ricardo Karam speaks with great love and pride about this initiative – the foundation. “It is the dream of a lifetime that I have been able to fulfill… I want to truly contribute to a positive change in my community and leave a deep mark away from formalities and appearances” that often dominates the broader range of award ceremonies in our region.
Karam describes the team’s work over the past decade as “tough and tough” and is fraught with “challenges” in an Arab world “fraught with problems and nervous, fossilized minds.”
Here Ricardo Karam explains that although some describe him as “Francophone and Anglophone”, “Arab nationalism is the basis of everything for me.” Most of what I did was in this direction. “He points out that it is not” a tribute to concrete personalities so much as a platform that includes successful personalities … hard work with a lot of perseverance, will, determination and ability to absorb and overcome problems. “Karam believes that it is” not just an award “, but rather” a kind of participation in rebuilding values ​​that we all agree on … In addition to creativity and success in all fields, there are energies and people we are proud of in these countries that are dominated by ignorance and flattening of the mind. “He also affirms that the Arab mix that“ Takreem ”gathers annually is necessary because“ our Arab identity unites us … careful from the beginning that the initiative was not the exclusive domain of the Lebanese, but rather an umbrella for all Arabs to highlight their successes ”.
Although he emphasizes that none of the sponsors and supporters is allowed to interfere in the course of the work or select the honored personalities, Ricardo Karam explains that in the tenth year there was a change in the work team that was enriched with youth and new blood, preserving the dedicated members in their fields that accompanied the beginnings within the Council. My honor is recognized for your efforts.

Working “hard, difficult and full of challenges” in a troubled Arab world

Regarding the method of selecting the honored personalities, the process is divided into three stages. First, people’s nominations are collected through the official website, before the internal committee conducts its investigation to determine the appropriate names, in preparation for the preparation of files on it. After that, the committee for each category proposes names that match the established specifications and standards.
Here, it is the turn of the Elective Council, made up of 90 people, which will meet in Beirut for a period of two days, where discussions are held to choose three candidates from each category.
As for the arbitration council that meets in Paris or London in the month of March or April of each year, the decision is made in complete secret so that the great celebration takes place in the month of November. In this context, it is worth highlighting TAKMINDS. A platform under the motto of “Honor” that brings together “creators of change and new talents” to tackle and address the real-life challenges of the world in which we live. The goal is to “weave the threads of education, business, art, culture, media and technology to build a more sustainable future.”

* The tenth celebration of “Honor”: the day after tomorrow, Sunday – half past nine at lbci

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