Take exceptional measures to absorb the repercussions of the rapid spread of Corona.


In a statement, the medical and health professions bodies of the Free Patriotic Movement called for exceptional measures to be taken to try to understand the repercussions of the rapid and lethal spread of the Coronavirus, and announced their support for the statement of the medical committees in the Hospitals issued today to achieve “the transfer of some private hospitals in addition to the government, exclusively to receive and treat Corona patients with the aim of increasing capacity by maintaining other hospitals to attend emergency cases, these hospitals are chosen according to their geographical location , engineering structure and equipment rate.

In a statement, he asked “to stop providing medical services except in emergency cases, to transfer part of the medical staff in various specialties to care for Corona patients, and to work to overcome all the difficulties in legislating the importation of Corona vaccines from various sources, and allow private companies to import them from within. ” Scientific, commercial and ethical controls, provided that members of the medical corps benefit from them in the first place, and facilitate the importation of necessary medical equipment and drugs by opening exceptional allocations, exempting fees and bypassing exclusive agencies.

The organs “asked the security and judicial agencies to act with an iron hand to repress the violations due to the lack of individual and moral responsibility of some, and their formation of a great danger to the safety of the health community, and to review quickly the general closure decision and limit only the necessary exceptions, and approve exemptions and financial aid. ” And a quick sample of citizens engaged in their homes to help them resist the duration of the general closure, and the establishment of a rescue body in which the official authorities and the relevant private sector forces, the relevant unions and the parties active in the ground to lead the battle and ensure the implementation of the required decisions, and solidarity and solidarity between the public and private sectors. And among all the components of society, parties and associations to face the disaster that has occurred, because the disease threatens everyone ”.

And he stressed that “he puts all his capacities at the disposal of the Corona Response Team in the Free Patriotic Movement to help within the response plan to face this difficult and dangerous stage of the pandemic, providing psychological, social and health support.”
