Syria at the cusp of the second wave “Corona”: the government despairs by the closure


It appears that Syria is on the cusp of the second peak of the Corona virus spread. However, it does not appear that the government is planning to take effective measures to remedy the situation. As the image of overcrowding remains the same in restaurants and cafes, as well as at celebrations, evenings, evenings and weddings, but the government itself does not miss a week unless it announces an evening, an evening or a exhibition, and boast, as he did for the past week, of running out of cards for an evening at the opera, then to announce the next night, when scenes of citizens gathered in front of ticket counters appeared. At this time, the division continues between those who call for a total closure, who hold the government responsible for the outbreak of the disease, and between the official authorities and with it, private entrepreneurs who do not want the closure due to its direct negative economic repercussions.

This debate applies to the issue of schools, which doctors and specialists consider the most suitable environments for the incubation of the virus, especially the primary ones. In the advanced setting, Dr. Naboug Al-Awa, a member of the advisory team to confront Corona in Syria, points out, in an interview with “Al-Akhbar”, that “the child becomes infected and transmits the disease to his family from immediate, because the child does not show severe symptoms, while he is a first-class rapid carrier. ” “Al-Awa renewed the demand to” close schools, even partially (…). Delaying young students for a specific period will not affect their educational level and they can be compensated at any later time, but the government has not yet taken any action in this regard. “

The government believes that the blockade now will not work and that the disease will continue to spread at a regular rate.

In this regard, the Minister of Education, Darem Tabaa, confirms, in an interview with Al-Akhbar, that his ministry is closely following the development of the disease in the world and in Syria, “ especially the cases that are discovered in schools and the measures taken in this regard, especially with regard to the closure of the class for a period of five days. It also examined contacts and increased awareness campaigns on health, mask use, hand washing, etc. “Tabbah believes that” the closure now will not work, and that the disease will continue to spread at a normal rate, but we must take personal protection measures, “based on that,” Sweden did not interrupt school studies for a day, and its climate is cooler than the rest of Europe, and the rate of injuries AND deaths in it are much lower than in countries like Germany, where all forms of living and learning have come to a halt, so schools are not a source of the outbreak of the epidemic. “This is not agreed by the majority of doctors in Syria, who now turn to social networks to launch their notices of the expected explosion at any time, taking into account that cities like Homs, As-Suwayda and others have not witnessed previous peaks, and today they top the list of wounded and dead, and that there are differences. A large facility and field between it and the capital, Damascus, which are equipped to an acceptable extent with hospitals, beds, breather s and equipment, and the possibility of expanding the conduct of examinations.
Given the precarious health capacity in Syria in general, experts warn that the country “is heading towards an escalation in the number of infections, mainly due to the cold factor, the spread of regular flu and its weakening of immunity, and subsequently the confusion with the virus (…) ”, as he warns. To him, Al-Awa added: “We are on our way to climax if we continue to insist on not abiding by the rules of caution, and unfortunately most people are not committed to wearing masks and social distancing, and this is a bad warning to all. “

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