Stupid to repeat the experiment twice!


Majed Jaber wrote in “Al-Akhbar”: Distance education is no longer an option in light of the health crisis. Rather, it has become a necessity for school and university students to complete their educational level in light of the risks that prevent them from attending the hallways. However, that this education is an urgent need for students, this does not mean that it will be available and available. And being available, this does not mean that it will be effective in achieving the desired educational quality..

It is agreed that the experience of the last academic year was hard for the educational system, which suffered from confusion, since it had not previously experienced this type of education. At that time, the vulnerability of the lack of technological preparation and the lack of educational digital resources was clearly evident. Suddenly, schools and universities were forced to quickly and suddenly transform into a new educational reality through the use of previously untested electronic media and technologies, to move into a transformative phase that collided with many challenges, including the outcome of the epidemic crisis, and some of them are chronic as those associated with problems. The infrastructures in Lebanon (electricity, internet …), the economic conditions, the class and sectarianism of the educational system, the problems of formal education and its development, the preparation of teachers and the conflict of powers between the different educational bodies (the Faculty of Education, the Educational Center for Research and Development, Guidance and Orientation, Educational Inspection) Poor coordination between them, political interference in educational work, adoption of party quotas and sectarian balances in the management of educational affairs, in addition to the absence of effective educational policies and necessary legislation … and other challenges that squandered efforts aimed at advancing the educational system.

There is no doubt that the beginning of this school year will bring many concerns and questions, either from students and their families, or from the administrations and teachers of the schools, and from all those who work within the educational system. It is our right, as educators and researchers, to share these legitimate concerns. What parents often report: Should we risk sending our children to school in light of the outbreak of the epidemic? Did the schools develop their capacities and resources for the success of distance education? Will this education guarantee the psychological and educational stability and learning development of our children, or will we have the same previous experience using non-interactive and non-systematic methods and techniques, and resorting to simplified approaches to this education, and thus lead our children to an unknown future?

Read the full article Press here

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