Study reveals surprise about Corona outbreak mechanism in meetings


The enemy of humanity continues to surprise scientists with its rapid spread and difference in symptoms, amid the lack of hope for an effective vaccine against the virus today.

A recent study revealed that the spread of the new Corona virus is spreading faster than we previously thought, requiring more “rigor” on the issue of social distancing.

According to “Medical News Today,” restricting human gatherings to 10 or fewer people can be helpful in slowing the spread of the epidemic that has affected more than 50 million people worldwide so far.

The researchers spent nearly a year understanding the nature of the virus, whose scientific name is “SARS Cove 2,” trying to find an optimal way to contain it.

And researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology measured how the virus spreads in large human populations.

The results showed that these concentrations exacerbate the spread of the virus, which claimed the lives of more than 1,260,000 people.

The researchers found that, in some cases, the virus passes from an infected person to a healthy person and then the infection passes to a third person.

The study indicated that the infection can be transmitted to dozens of people in a short period of time, which means it is still premature to ease social distancing restrictions further.

In Skagit County, Washington state, for example, researchers followed 53 people who were infected with the emerging corona virus and found that they had contracted the infection from the same person.

In an activity attended by 61 people, over a period of two and a half hours, 33 people were diagnosed with Coronavirus, while the others were “suspected cases.”

And the mechanism of social distancing has been relied upon to reduce the spread of the disease since the beginning of this year, but this move has brought the global economy to a standstill.

Most countries in the world took the initiative to reduce social distancing in order to remove the wheel from the economy, and allowed the return of public transport and restaurants, but with less absorptive capacity.
