Study broken hopes. Warm weather will not delay the spread of Corona


American and Canadian researchers have said that the risk of transmission can only decrease by about 1.5 percent for each degree Fahrenheit above 77 degrees Fahrenheit 25 degrees Celsius.

However, researchers in Canada examined the spread of “Covid-19” worldwide in late March at locations with different measures of humidity, latitude, and general health, such as social distance..

Dr. Peter Johny of the University of Toronto said the team found little link between the spread of the infection and temperature or latitude, or only a weak correlation with humidity..

He added that they had conducted a preliminary study that suggested that both latitude and temperature play an important role. But when they repeated their studies under stricter conditions, they got the opposite result..

On the contrary, Dr. Johny pointed out that the closure of schools and other public health measures was an effective brake on the Corona virus, adding: “Our results are directly relevant because many countries, and some Canadian provinces and territories, are considering reducing or eliminating some of these health interventions. ” general

The study concluded that “seasonal variation is likely to play a minor role in the Covid epidemic 19

Professor Dion Jysink, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto and co-author of the study, said: “Summer will not make this go away. It is important for people to know this. On the other hand, the more public health interventions in the region, the greater it will be the impact on the slowdown of epidemic growth. “


American and Canadian researchers have said that the risk of transmission can only decrease by about 1.5 percent for each degree Fahrenheit above 77 degrees Fahrenheit 25 degrees Celsius.

However, researchers in Canada examined the spread of “Covid-19” worldwide in late March at locations with different measures of humidity, latitude, and general health, such as social distance..

Dr. Peter Johny of the University of Toronto said the team found little link between the spread of the infection and temperature or latitude, or only a weak correlation with humidity..

He added that they had conducted a preliminary study that suggested that both latitude and temperature play an important role. But when they repeated their studies under stricter conditions, they got the opposite result..

On the contrary, Dr. Johny pointed out that the closure of schools and other public health measures was an effective brake on the Corona virus, adding: “Our results are directly relevant because many countries, and some Canadian provinces and territories, are considering reducing or eliminating some of these health interventions. ” general

The study concluded that “seasonal variation is likely to play a minor role in the Covid epidemic 19

Professor Dion Jysink, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto and co-author of the study, said: “Summer will not make this go away. It is important for people to know this. On the other hand, the more public health interventions in the region, the greater it will be the impact on the slowdown of epidemic growth. “
