Strict measures that last 5 months to stop Corona


German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said Sunday that his country must endure 5 months of strict measures to stop Corona.

And Germany, on Sunday, expected to maintain the measures it imposes to combat the Corona virus for another four or five months.

Germany, Europe’s biggest economic powerhouse, imposed a partial blanket shutdown in early November that included bars, restaurants and entertainment establishments, and excluded schools and shops.

“We will have to live with a lot of precautions and restrictions for the next four or five months at least,” Economy Minister Peter Altmaier told the Bild am Tsuntag news newspaper.

The minister’s comments came ahead of a government meeting to be held on Monday to decide to extend the recently imposed restrictions until the end of November.

The number of people with Covid-19 receiving treatment in intensive care units has risen from 360 in early October to more than 3,300 today, while the country, like the rest of Europe, faces difficulties in containing the second wave of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Yesterday Saturday, several German cities witnessed protests against restrictions imposed to contain the Corona virus, including Frankfurt, where the police used water cannons.
