“Strategic debates” between Washington and Tel Aviv: invest in normalization before Tehran


US Defense Secretary Mark Esper is supposed to visit Israel before the end of this month to continue “strategic discussions” with officials there to ensure Tel Aviv’s qualitative military superiority for years to come. The visit, which has yet to receive media promotion and propaganda, also looks at a number of different problems and challenges, chief of which is Iran, even if Israel’s military superiority is its prominent title. The professional circles of the Ministries of Security and Defense of both countries have been busy, in recent weeks, in deliberation sessions on the strengthening of the Israeli military position in the region, amid the rush of the Arab rulers for normalization . Among the declared objectives of the “strategic debate” between the two parties is that expressed by the Minister of Security, Benny Gantz, during his recent visit to Washington, where he indicated that the discussion focused on “ways to take advantage of regional opportunities to face the destabilizing forces “in the region.

It is clear from Gantz’s statement that the deliberations between the United States and Israel revolve around how joint security work will build on recent standardization agreements, specifically with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and, behind them, Arabia. Saudi, to confront the “ destabilizing forces ” that Iran and its allies often refer to. In other words, it is intended, an American and an Israeli, to promote the development of the announced normalization agreements, and those that will be announced later, to form an alliance, if not for a direct military war with Iran, with the objective of create an additional threat and lever of intimidation of the lands of Israel’s new allies in the West Bank of the Gulf. . An objective that raises many questions, including: What level of confrontation are the two parties seeking? What are the roles of the new allies in it? Should you approach ceilings that, until recently, were not on the table? Do the Gulf rulers dare to break the red lines that have kept the confrontation with Iran, until now, not loud? What happens in Gantz’s visit indicates the existence of intense efforts to achieve optimal exploitation of the recently declared alliances, under the auspices of the United States; Between his first visit to Washington last September and his whirlwind visit a few days ago (which lasted hours), Gantz claimed that in the context of entering the era of “positive” normalization processes in the Middle East, it became possible to confront to Iran across the region, saying, “Together, with the United States and with our old and new allies, we will have fruitful cooperation.”

What is leaked to the media is exactly what both parties want the commentators to be busy with.

In the public headlines announced for the last visit, it was noteworthy that a joint statement was signed between Esper and Gantz, confirming the United States’ commitment to Israel’s qualitative military superiority in the region, which is a declaration of “imperative and unnecessary” , in light of the existence of a law issued by Congress that binds any US government. The supremacy of Tel Aviv, and prevents it from supplying a third party in the region, even if it is an ally of Washington, weapons that would undermine this supremacy. In an interview with the media, Esper expressed his hope that “I will visit Tel Aviv in the coming weeks to follow up our discussion. We continue to work closely to develop (military) capabilities, especially in the field of missile defense.” as quoted by the Jerusalem Post. However, this cooperation in the development of Israel’s air defenses has been in force and activated for years, with financial funding and participation of American research, indicating that there are details in the “strategic discussions” on which the two sides keep silence.
However, it is reported in Hebrew reports, through leaks and estimates, that the agreements that are being finalized between the two parties include the possibility of reducing the technology of the F-35 aircraft that are intended to supply the United Arab Emirates, similar to what happened to Saudi Arabia in the eighties of the last century when it supplied the F-15 aircraft. “And other qualitative weapons, in addition to providing Israel with multi-role tilting V-22 Osprey planes with vertical take-off and landing, as well as F-22 raptor fighter jets, which the United States refused to supply to a third party. In the past, Israel had shown interest in acquiring the F-35B, which has vertical take-off and landing capability, an option that could allow the plane to land on runways much shorter than the runways at military airports if the bases of the Israeli air force were attacked by Iranian planes or missiles. From “Hezbollah” (Maariv). Similarly, other Hebrew reports spoke of squadrons of F-35A jets, in addition to F-35Bs, three F-15IXs and highly advanced radars designated to track Iran, in addition to air defense systems and financial industries. Military and others.
But are these, in fact, the crystallized or in-process agreements between Tel Aviv and Washington? A senior Israeli security source told Maariv that what is leaking into the media is exactly what the two sides want commentators to be busy with, at the expense of what may be plans tied to new hubs and alliances. and the distribution of tasks and roles in them, in a revised version of the strategy to confront Iran, after the bets failed. On alternatives activated so far. It is worth mentioning here that supplying the Emirates, and other countries that were never at war with Israel, does not harm the latter, but is fully compatible with their interests, and is an added value to their superiority. However, it is good that Tel Aviv, before the US presidential elections, reaches agreements with the Donald Trump administration to supply it with specific weapons that Washington refused to sell to a third party, even if it was Israel itself. In this case, Joe Biden, if he wins the election, will be obliged to implement those agreements for which they cannot be canceled or mortgaged to political concessions, which is not required or stipulated by Trump.

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