Special Newsletter – The Most Important Events of the Year 2020 for Lebanese


As the newsletter used to do at the end of each year, it presents its readers with an encyclopedia of the most important events of 2018 from the “Highlights of the Year” series, so that they form an “archive” to which the reader can return at any time . After yesterday’s section on Arab and international news, Al-Nashra today presents this section on local events.

It should be noted that all the information contained in this file is extracted from the “bulletin” file, highlighting that this file constitutes an appendix to the “annual report”.

January: Hassan Diab government formed, street protests continue

Popular protests continue in several Lebanese regions, starting on October 17, 2019.
Riots on Hamra Street, where protesters destroyed and burned the facades of several banks, as that day was known as Banking Day.
– The President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, issued a decree to form a new government headed by Hassan Diab that included 20 ministers.

February: The first case of Corona is registered in Lebanon, of a citizen from Iran

– Lebanon records the first infection with the coronavirus on February 21, from a Lebanese citizen from Iran.
The closure of all educational institutions due to the spread of the new Corona virus

March: Lebanon defaults on its outstanding debts

– Lebanon does not pay its overdue debts with Eurobonds for the first time on March 7, and Prime Minister Hassan Diab announced in a letter to the Lebanese that reserves have reached a critical and dangerous level, pushing the Lebanese government to suspend maturity Eurobonds on March 9.
Lebanon announces for the first time a state of general mobilization and a state of health emergency to face the emerging coronavirus

April: creation of the electronic exchange rate platform by Banque du Liban

The Banque du Liban establishes the online platform to determine the dollar exchange rate for banks

May: Lebanon holds its first round of negotiations with the IMF

Extension of the state of health emergency due to the Coronavirus outbreak
– The exchange rate of the dollar against the Lebanese pound continued to rise on the black market and ranged between 4,000 pounds for sale and 4,100 pounds for purchase.
Lebanon officially held the first round of negotiations with the International Monetary Fund via video technology

June: Summons of the United States Ambassador to Lebanon.

– The Lebanese Foreign Minister, Nassif Hitti, summons the United States Ambassador to Lebanon in the context of statements in which he criticized the government.

July: the exchange rate reaches record figures

– French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian visits Beirut and meets with its senior officials.
– A record in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Lebanese pound on the black market, since it oscillated between 9,200 and 9,400 on July 7.

August: A large explosion shook the port of Beirut and the decision of the International Tribunal was approved.

– A large explosion rocked the port of Beirut on August 4, killing hundreds of dead and thousands of wounded, in addition to heavy material losses in all areas surrounding the port.
– The resignation of Foreign Minister Nassif Hitti from his post, after it was not possible to fulfill his functions in the historical and fateful circumstances that Lebanon is going through, according to his official statement.
– Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab revealed that 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate were the cause of the Beirut port explosion, while the Supreme Defense Council declared a state of emergency for a period of two weeks, considering Beirut a city ​​in disaster.
Hassan Diab resigns as prime minister after the Beirut port bombing.
French President Emmanuel Macron visited Beirut on a solidarity visit after the port explosion.
– The issuance of the judgment of the International Special Court in the case of the murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on August 18 and the indictment of the member of “Hezbollah” Salim Ayyash in the murder case.
– On August 30, Lebanese President Michel Aoun appointed the Lebanese Ambassador in Berlin, Mustafa Adib, to form the government, after having obtained the support of the majority of parliamentarians during parliamentary consultations.

September: second visit to Macron in a month

A new visit by the French president to Lebanon and the commemoration of the centenary of Greater Lebanon, where he met the Lebanese artist Fairouz
A large fire broke out on September 10 inside the port of Beirut, a month after the explosion.

October: Negotiations begin to demarcate the southern and Hariri borders to form a new government

– The school year has resumed in Lebanon after long months of school closings due to the spread of the Corona virus.
– The beginning of negotiations to demarcate the indirect borders between Lebanon and Israel, under the auspices of the United Nations, in the presence of the United States Under Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, David Schenker, and the United States Ambassador, John Deruscher.
The first annual revival of the October 17 revolution in central Beirut
Appointment of Saad Hariri to form the new government, after obtaining 65 votes in parliamentary consultations.
Fires broke out in several Lebanese regions
Several Lebanese fled across the sea from Lebanon in the direction of Europe, where one of the ships sank and several people died.

November: Corona injury records in Lebanon

– Lebanon registers a high number of wounded in Corona and the government decides a general shutdown in the country on November 10.

December: Diab’s prosecution over the Beirut bombing issue

Judge Fadi Sawan, on December 10, judicial investigator in the file of the attack on the port of Beirut, claimed the interim Prime Minister Hassan Diab, the former Minister of Finance Ali Hassan Khalil and the former Ministers of Public Works Ghazi Zaiter and Youssef Fenianous, for the crime of negligence and negligence, which caused the death and injury of hundreds of people. Beirut port explosion.
– Lebanese government formation has stalled, after Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri announced after his meeting with President Michel Aoun that there were some obstacles in the government formation process.
The dollar exchange rate continued to fluctuate, until at the end of 2020 it reached approximately 8,400 pounds.
– The burning of a camp for displaced people in Miniyeh, after problems occurred with the people of the area.
