Soon … a treatment that heals the person with a crown immediately and prevents their infection?


The news about a medical revolution and a breakthrough for all attempts to find a suitable cure for the emerging “Corona”, is contained in a British newspaper, the summary of which is that British scientists are currently testing a treatment, which is a cocktail of antibodies. It provides the body with immediate immunity, heals the wounded and prevents the virus from infecting healthy people. Therefore, it can be adopted as emergency treatment for hospitalized patients in hospitals, and for those residing in nursing homes, as well as injecting isolates in homes, suspected of being infected, and also administered to university students, since they are a group in the one that the virus spreads easily, to stop the “Corona” and contain its spread.

Among the participants with the team of scientists, Dr. Catherine Houlihan, who spoke yesterday with the British newspaper, “The Guardian”, and described her as a virologist at University College London Hospitals, known as UCLH for short, and said in what which now sums up: “If we prove that this treatment prevents infection, this will be an exciting addition to the arsenal of weapons currently being developed to combat the terrible virus,” according to his expression of the drug that the university is developing with the Swedish company AstraZeneca, which has developed with the ‘University of Oxford’ a vaccine that is expected to be approved for use in the United Kingdom next week.

The research and testing team hopes to show that the antibody mixture protects patients from the virus for a period of 6 to 12 months, and if approved by health authorities, it can be made available in March or April, and then released. It will give them to those who have contracted the virus at some point during the eight days. Previously, as reported in the newspaper about the drug containing a group of long-acting antibodies, developed by “AstraZeneca” on behalf of AZD7442, which uses “monoclonal” antibodies implanted in the brain, and the video above about it, in site of antibodies made by the body to help fight infection.

An alternative for those who are not cured with vaccines
Houlihan also added: “So far, we have injected 10 participants, including employees, students, and others, who were exposed to the virus in a home, healthcare setting, or student dormitory (…) You will continue to find out which of they will become infected “, while Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious disease specialist, said: And a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia in Great Britain, that the new treatment could significantly reduce the number of deaths from viruses, and will told The Guardian: “If you are dealing with outbreaks in nursing homes, for example, or if you have patients who are at risk of infection, this drug He saves them, as long as this is confirmed in phase 3 trials, where the Treatment plays an important role in keeping people alive, rather than dying, “he said.

Another scientist on the team, Dr. Nicky Longley, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, Los Angeles, said: “It will employ people who are elderly or are in long-term care, as well as people with cancer or human diseases. HIV, they can’t find them. ” The cure in the available vaccines, that’s why we offer them an alternative that has the same protection ”, while concluded from what Dr. Richard Jarvis, co-chair of the Public Health Medicine Committee of the Association British Physician, said she advocates traditional vaccination, which in her opinion provides the best protection against Coronavirus, and said British Health Care Authority workers, or NHS for short, work around the clock to serve the greatest number possible of patients at risk, but ignored the latest death and injury figures in Britain for a time.
