Soleimani’s memory: The Lebanese are human shields … Aid does not share independence


Many Lebanese officials believed that Haji Zadeh’s words yesterday, January 2, on the first anniversary of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, undermined Lebanon’s sovereignty and made the Lebanese people hostage to the Iranians.

Lebanon and Gaza build missiles
Zada had said: “All the missile capabilities of Gaza and Lebanon were carried out with the support of Iran, and they are the front line against Israel.” He added: “We teach the resistance front to make fishing rods, instead of providing fish. Lebanon and Gaza have the technology to make missiles”, adding that “the capabilities of the resistance axis are no longer what they were ago. ten years. Today, the Palestinians fire rockets instead of throwing stones. “

“We have a general order from the guide, Ali Khamenei, to set Haifa and Tel Aviv on the ground, in case something stupid is committed against Iran,” Zadeh emphasized.

Aounists Aoun
It seems that Zada’s public words in this frank way embarrassed the President of the Republic, Michel Aoun, and forced him today, January 3, to a timid and indirect response from his personal Twitter account, and not on behalf of the presidential website. Aoun wrote, in general, without naming who underestimates Lebanese sovereignty: “The Lebanese have no partner to preserve the independence of their homeland, their sovereignty over their borders, their land and their freedom of choice.”

Commenting on the tweet of the President of the Republic, a member of the powerful Republican bloc, Pierre Bouassi, he tweeted: “His Excellency Mr. President, you should have said that there is no partner of the Lebanese State in preserving the independence of the country and its sovereignty over its borders and their territory and their freedom of decision. This is if the presiding country is considered to be the State of the people. “.

The Aounist movement said in a statement on Sunday that “the Lebanese are concerned about preserving Lebanon’s freedom, resolve, sovereignty and independence.” But the Aounists, who assigned others to the “resistance”, considered that “the resistance practiced by the Lebanese in defense of their land must always serve these objectives and not others. Any support they receive cannot be conditional on giving up national sovereignty or engaging in what does not interest them. ” . That is, it may be a matter of your resistant ally and not theirs.

What is left of Lebanon?
The resigned deputy, Marwan Hamadeh, considered that “the time has come for a confrontation with Hezbollah. Lebanon should not be held hostage by Iran.” He asked: “If Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is a soldier in Wilayat al-Faqih, is he really an arm to defend Iran and the Republic of Mullahs at the expense of Lebanon?”

Hamadeh noted that “what is required is for President Michel Aoun to pose an existential question: will there be anything left of Lebanon?”

As for the president of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, he responded in his own way saying: “In my previous statement I said that Iran is waiting for a dialogue with the new American administration, and that the government of specialists is a kind of heresy, so that the resurrection occurred. ” And he added: “Today the winds of confrontation are blowing everywhere. Isn’t it better for the opposition team to assume responsibility for the country with its partners? Why get involved in participation where we have no decision on anything?”

The Lebanese are human shields
The head of the Kataeb Party, Sami Gemayel, affirmed that he will remain in the confrontation “to restore our country, the dignity of our people and its future”, and advanced Iranian statements “attracting those who still have the illusion that our country is sovereign. and independent “. He said: “Lebanon and the Lebanese are held hostage by Iran through Hezbollah, and they use us as human shields in their battle that has nothing to do with Lebanon.” “The presidency, the government and the parliament are false witnesses and cover the takeover of Lebanon,” Gemayel concluded.

Not to bear the burden of his words between these responses, Saad Hariri let his media adviser, Hussein Al-Wajh, say: “Lebanon has not been and will not be the front line in the confrontation against Iran. The Lebanese will not pay the price. by the Iranian regime. However, some Iranian officials insist on dealing with them. Lebanon as an Iranian province. ”

The head of the Independence Movement, the resigned MP Michel Moawad, indicated that “it is unacceptable that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or anyone else turns Lebanon into a barricade to defend Iran.” He considered that “after the last statement, it was clear that there was no ambiguity to say that Hezbollah’s weapons and missiles were intended to defend Iranian interests.” He added: “This requires an immediate official position on the part of Lebanon to prevent our exhausted country from being a launch pad for missiles in a war with which we have nothing to do.”

Former MP Fares Saeed commented: “The Iranian Revolutionary Guard announces its leadership of the Lebanese missiles against Israel, where the Lebanese state is located.” Addressing Aoun, saying: “Your Excellency the President, sincerely, for your dignity and our dignity … resign.”

Terrifying resistance
On the first anniversary of the assassination of the commander of the Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, and the leader of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, on Sunday, January 3, Hezbollah raised a giant banner with images of Soleimani, the engineer and Imad Mughniyeh on the Hamams hill in the city of Khiam.

A member of the Al-Wafa Resistance Bloc, MP Ali Fayyad, spoke about the exploits of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis and what they had brought to the resistance and Palestine. In turn, a member of the Development and Liberation Bloc, deputy Qasim Hashem, spoke about “the resistance and terror of the enemy.”

As for Brital, unknown persons set fire to the image of former Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani on the road.
