Skeletal crown mutation … virus bumps “mutate”


A remote area near the southernmost point of the South American continent has witnessed a second violent wave of the emerging corona virus in recent weeks, while scientists in Chile are studying a possible mutation of the virus.

The aforementioned area, known as Magalan, is a largely remote wilderness area, filled with glaciers and interspersed with small towns, and witnessed a notable increase in “Covid 19” injuries in September and October, after the first wave of this year.

Marcelo Navaretti, a doctor at the University of Magallan, said in an interview with “Reuters” that the researchers discovered “structural changes” in the protrusions of the Corona virus that distinguish its coronary shape and allow it to adhere to the patient’s cells.

He explained that research is underway to better understand the potential mutation and its effects in humans, noting that the occurrence of mutations is a feature of most known viruses.

He added: “The only thing we know so far is that this coincides with a very intense second wave in the region.”

Hospitals are almost full in the worst-hit area, and Chilean Health Ministry officials said they have begun moving patients from the area to capital Santiago.

Other studies outside of Chile have also indicated that the Corona virus can evolve while adapting to its human hosts.

A preliminary study that analyzed the structure of the virus after two waves of infection in the American city of Houston concluded that a highly contagious strain dominated modern samples.

Navaretti acknowledged that similar spikes have occurred elsewhere, but said the relative isolation and harsh weather in the cold and windy Magalla region could have exacerbated their effects.

Scientists say that mutations may make the virus more capable of becoming infected, but they do not necessarily make it more deadly, nor do they impede the effectiveness of any possible vaccine.

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