Siniora Aoun: This is how you violate the constitution! Phalanges


President Fouad Siniora considered, in a statement, that the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, since his election as President of the Republic, has committed more than one violation of the Constitution.

President Fouad Siniora considered, in a statement, “that the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, since his election as President of the Republic, has committed more than one violation of the Constitution, which is the supreme law, which regulates the life of the Lebanese and the work of the Lebanese constitutional institutions, knowing that the essence of the role of the president of the republic has been and continues to be to guarantee respect for the constitution. ” And to defend it and protect the National Agreement Document agreed by the Lebanese in Taif. “
Prime Minister Siniora added: “It is regrettable to resort to violating the provisions of the constitution, the National Agreement Document and the Charter, as the pact was intended to create a pre-composition prior to assignment. This is what he is dealing with today with the presence of the interim government, which ignored the presence of the ministers who are still doing business and the prime minister on the matter of training. The delegation indirectly negotiates with the Israeli enemy delegation under the auspices of the US delegation and the presence of the United Nations delegate, thereby violating and related constitutional articles, specifically articles 52, 54 and 60.
Article 52: “The President of the Republic undertakes to negotiate and celebrate international treaties in agreement with the Prime Minister. They are not concluded until after the approval of the Council of Ministers.”
Article 54: “The decisions of the President of the Republic must be signed by the head of government and the corresponding minister or ministers, except for the decree that appoints the prime minister and the decree that accepts the resignation of the government or considers that it resigns” .
Article 60: “The president of the republic is not responsible if he exercises his functions, except when he violates the constitution or in case of high treason.”
Siniora concluded: “From this angle, it was necessary that His Excellency President Aoun, before the formation of the delegation and before the holding of the conferences, abide by the provisions of the constitution, which he must respect and preserve, and thus consult with the Prime Minister in accordance with the constitution and the principles to exclude the negative impact on national rescue attempts that belong to All must be in solidarity to achieve it in these difficult and dangerous circumstances. “

Source: National Information Agency
