Signs of heart failure! Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon


Heart failure, or heart failure, is a disease that occurs as a result of a functional or organic malfunction that affects the heart as a receptor of blood and as a pump to spread it throughout the body, to supply it with nutrients and oxygen.

Approximately three million people in Germany suffer from heart failure. The annual number of deaths from this disease in Germany alone is about 5,000 people. Heart failure is not always recognized in time. That is why it is important to recognize early signs early.

Doctors differentiate between two different types of this disease, according to the German health affairs website “Heil Praxis”, which are the failure or insufficiency of the left side of the heart: the left side is responsible for receiving oxygenated blood from the veins of the lungs and then pump it to all parts of the body. Therefore, the failure on the left side leads to the accumulation of blood in the blood vessels of the lungs and congestion, causing chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue when walking or running.

As for the second type, it is the insufficiency or insufficiency of the right side of the heart: the right side receives the blood that carries the carbon dioxide that has been collected from the different organs of the body, to pump it to the lungs, which they supply oxygen. Therefore, any deficiency in the work of the right side leads to it not receiving blood from the veins of the body, which causes the fluids to leave the blood vessels and collect them in the different tissues of the body, since the heart does not receive these fluids. This buildup of tissue causes swelling of the feet, ankles, legs, and sometimes the stomach wall.

Swollen legs associated with shortness of breath

Signs and symptoms also include shortness of breath, excessive fatigue, and swelling of the legs. Shortness of breath is often worse with exercise and lying down, and may even wake the patient at night. While chest pain, including angina, is not usually caused by heart failure.

Because heart failure is often a secondary disease, the risk factors are the same as for high blood pressure or coronary artery embolism. These factors include high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes. Common causes of left-sided heart failure are heavy alcohol use, heart attacks, myocarditis, hyperthyroidism, and heart failure from previous heart attacks.

Heart failure has several causes, as published by the “Berliner Courier” website, including blockage of the coronary arteries and high blood pressure. And he warns the cardiologist David Niederser of the University of Zurich, in an interview with the German site: “If the heart attack is ignored or not noticed, it can lead to heart failure.”

