Sidon begins his battle and | Phalanges


It was stated in the Al-Akhbar newspaper:

Day after day, the danger to the medical body increases from the Corona virus, as infections continue to register inside it. The latter now has its own counter, which records HIV infections every day. Yesterday, the number of infected doctors and nurses reached 11, bringing the total number to 733. While the death rate is what concerned people expect to gauge the severity of the virus, the spread of the virus within the medical body It is no less important, given the priority role they play in the battle against Corona. ».
The medical body is not well. This is what the numbers on the counter say every day. It is similar to the reality of the daily casualty counter, which is crammed with figures that yesterday touched 560 wounded, with the danger that most of them were from contacts (548 wounded). With this number, the total number of wounded so far reaches 15,125. On top of that, the number of deaths increased by 7, bringing the total number to 219 deaths.
The city of Tripoli continues to draw attention to it, with 36 new registered injuries, but it was not the only yesterday to raise the alarm, since the Sidon District Medical Center also came out to announce that the elimination of the road to chaos “on all with the notable escalation of injuries within three months, as the number increased from 85 injured at the end of May to 565 during the current month. The hospital considered that what is happening is a “negative indicator” that forces everyone to “adhere and strictly adhere to the required health measures, especially the use of masks, respect for safe distance, social distancing and maintenance of personal hygiene “. According to the report of the Ministry of Public Health, the Saida district yesterday registered 24 injuries and tests were carried out on hundreds of contacts, and their results have not yet been released. The city of Hermel also appears to be on track to slide into the expanse, with about 30 injuries on record yesterday, after it held a “clean record” of injuries until recently and remained in the “white zone.”
Despite the growing number of meters, as well as the number of deaths in them, yesterday there was an atmosphere of tranquility in the Ministry of Public Health, after the meeting of Minister Hamad Hassan and the medical director of Diagnos Techs in the United States, Dr. Maroun Al-Khoury. The latter noted that so far, “the number of infections in Lebanon remains reasonable and acceptable, compared to the United States and Europe,” noting that “Lebanon has registered some control over the epidemic in light of the difficult factors that exist ( …) “.
On the other hand, and in the context of the confrontation with the virus, voices have come out asking the municipalities to help impose the implementation of preventive measures. In this context, the deputy Jihad Abdel Samad called, after his meeting with Minister Hassan, and the interior and defense ministries to “instruct the competent security agencies to help the municipalities to impose the implementation of the measures. established preventive measures, since several municipalities cannot impose control of their movement on residents, while The commitment helps prevent the increase in infections. “For his part, the deputy Ali Al-Miqdad demanded, in the same meeting, that “Facing Corona is a national confrontation with all standards and calculations, especially since the epidemic is sweeping all regions,” warning that “we are approaching the flu season in the fall, which will constitute an additional challenge represented by the mixture of symptoms. Flu with Corona symptoms. “He stressed” the importance of adhering to the simple procedures required, which are muzzle, hand washing and spacing”.

Source: News
