Should less effective corona vaccines be avoided? News | Phalanges


Many around the world are confused about coronavirus vaccines, which have started to appear in recent months with varying efficacy rates, announced by manufacturers in light of their experiments.

And the confusion led to the question: Should we avoid receiving less effective vaccines?

The ‘luxury of vaccines’

In an interview with Al-Hurra, a researcher specializing in bacterial and viral serology at the University of Michigan, Ali Fatoum, said: “Today we have a kind of luxury, that (the choice is) 91 or 94 percent,” for example . .

He emphasized that “there is no difference between them”, because “if the study is repeated, 94 can change to become 96”, and pointed out that it could also decrease if the study is repeated.

The researcher added: “If you noticed at the beginning of (the talk) about vaccines for Corona, the US Food and Drug Administration was not very optimistic, so it said (to the companies) that we bring a vaccine with 50 percent efficacy for license. “

He explained that the Food and Drug Administration had no expectations of more than 50 percent, “so it set 50 percent as a minimum.”

Fatoum noted that the effectiveness of the flu vaccine “ranges from 20 to 50 percent,” which, however, is considered one of the successful vaccines.

“Gandhi” Peace Prize Winner Lung Disease Physician Zahir Sahloul also said: “In general, any vaccine that is more than 50 percent effective is good, even if its effectiveness is not 95 percent. cent like Pfizer. and Modirna. “

In his address to Al-Hurra, Sahloul emphasized that, “in general, all vaccines, according to microscopic experiments, prevent severe Covid-19 symptoms leading to hospitalization or death.”

He reiterated that every vaccine whose effectiveness exceeds 50 percent is good, “as long as there are independent bodies that have seen the studies and said that this is correct and not just a marketing tool or a politicized issue,” given the ongoing race. between countries to achieve this achievement.

‘Lack of transparency’

On the other hand, both Fatoum and Sahloul warned about vaccines that some countries have worked to develop, due to their lack of transparency, which is crucial in the face of the outbreak of a deadly epidemic like Corona.

Sahloul warned that “the vaccines from China and Russia have no published reports on them, for independent committees to consider (…) there is no transparency, and there is a variation in the (effectiveness) rates.”

He noted that “Russia does not have a record in (the world) of vaccines, it has recently entered the line.”

For his part, Fatoum said that “the Chinese vaccine is considered one of the good vaccines because it contains several compounds”, adding: “But there is no transparency regarding the efficacy of this vaccine, in Turkey they said it is 90 percent , in the United Arab Emirates 86 percent, and elsewhere it was 50 and 60. “percent”.

Variable proportions

In recent months, several drug manufacturers revealed the development of vaccines that are scientifically considered highly effective and it is likely that a large number of them have the ability to protect against the severe symptoms of the epidemic.

On Friday, Johnson & Johnson revealed that its Corona virus vaccine has been shown to be 66 percent effective in preventing moderate and severe cases of the disease, in phase three of global trials.

The company said its single-dose vaccine was 85 percent effective against severe cases of the disease.

The company explained that the vaccine was 72 percent effective overall in the United States of America, but was less effective in other regions.

And the US company, “Novavax” for the pharmaceutical industry, announced Thursday that its vaccine against the emerging corona virus showed an effectiveness of 89.3 percent during the third phase of clinical trials.

At the end of last year, both “Pfizer” and “Moderna” announced that they had arrived at vaccines with a high effectiveness of 94.5%.
