Shock … a record number of Corona injuries in this region!


The Akkar governorate’s Disaster Management Chamber sounded the alarm, with the highest number recorded in the number of people infected with the new Corona virus during the last 24 hours, reaching 106 new infections and 36 recoveries.

The new victims were distributed in the following cities: Beit Yunus 12, Shaqdouk 9, Al-Hakour 5, Halba 5, Benin 4, Bkarazla 4, Deir Daloum 4, Akkar Al-Atika 3, Mashha 3, Rahba 3, Hijr Fneideq 3 , Bino 3, Idqat 3, Adabel 2, Wadi Khaled 2, Al Jadida 2, Ain Tinta 2, Al Aboudieh 2, Akrom 2, Zouk Al Hosniyah 2, Qlaiaat 2, Minyara 2, Bazal 2, Safina Al Dreib 2.

A coup in the cities of: Dora, Al-Kawasheh, Fneideq, Al-Dosa, Al-Zouarib, Beit Ayoub, Dahr Nassar, Al-Dababiyya, Sweisseh, Barkail, Ain Al-Dhahab, Al-Church, Khirbet Shar, Al -Awada, Al-Burj, Al-Qantara, Tábiya, Talabyer. Spears and apricots.

According to these new data, the total number of injuries registered in Akkar from mid-March to today: 3,968.

Positive cases: 742 cases are in treatment.

Regarding the total number of home quarantine cases, it amounted to 894 cases under surveillance and follow-up.

The number of recoveries rose to 3,157.

The number of deaths was established at 69 deaths registered since the beginning of the crisis.

The Disaster Management Chamber renewed its call to the population to “strictly adhere to the preventive health measures constantly announced by the Ministry of Health, and not be reckless or lax in the face of the risks of an epidemic that threatens the lives of many.”

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