She wanted to imitate Qatar and started selling the illusion to people … The UAE offers a fake invention to treat a crown with a 100% cure rate!


Abu Dhabi aims to look at and see their ears through its government and security services, often to move behind Qatar and monitor their steps in any field, sports, economic, political and ultimately medical.

Hours after Qatar launched production lines for the manufacture of artificial respiratory devices by the Barzan Holding Company to contribute to the measures taken by the country in the fight against the Corona pandemic, the UAE revealed its ability to invent an innovative treatment. for the virus (Covid-19) developed by the Emirates Stem Cell Center with promising results. According to the Emirates news agency.

It seems that the Qatari movement and its strong influence in the field of the respiratory industry and the global need for this important element vis-à-vis Corona, prompted Abu Dhabi to move quickly and urgently with steps not followed to reveal the innovation that many see as ineffective And it has not demonstrated its ability to treat the Covid virus 2019, which put the Abu Dhabi government in a shameful situation facing the world, especially since the Emirates News Agency confirmed that the Emirati treatment managed to cure 100%. to Corona patients and this is unacceptable to the mind.

What is the difference between stem cell therapy and plasma therapy?

Stem cell therapy is scientifically based on the introduction of serum into the lungs by inhalation with a fine mist. Its therapeutic effect is supposed to regenerate lung cells and modify their immune response to prevent them from overreacting to infection (COFED-19) and causing damage to healthier cells.

This method against the Corona virus has not been authorized by any international health organization and its ability to treat the virus has not been confirmed, and until now the World Health Organization has not identified its immediate and far-reaching side effects, in addition of the lack of confirmation of its safety by not having any interaction with the traditional treatment protocols for patients with Covid. -19) What could cause serious complications.

Qatar, in turn, announced the use of blood plasma from donors recovering from the Corona virus to treat people with the virus from critical conditions. The State of Qatar is one of the first countries to adopt a plasma inhibition method to eliminate viruses, bacteria and parasites contained in the plasma, which in turn contain significant amounts of antibiotics capable of strengthening the immunity of the patient.

Blood plasma are antibodies secreted by those recovered from the emerging corona virus, and are injected into people with severe cases. Plasma has been shown to be successful in patients with SARS and H1N1 swine flu.

And the plasma therapy technique was used in several countries on the number of patients, including Germany, the United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, and South Korea, and the initial results seemed promising in principle.

Global health: plasma is the right approach

Dr. Mike Ryan, director of the WHO emergency health program, said using blood plasma to treat the crown is a “very correct” approach, but emphasized the need to give the experiment time to achieve the maximum benefit for the patient. immune system.

The World Health Organization confirmed that plasma proved to be “effective and life-saving” when used to treat infectious diseases, including the crown.

Multiply by 10

The search for the true number of deaths is still ongoing due to the outbreak of the Corona virus in the United Arab Emirates, as the leaked images and videos from within this country show men falling to the ground from pain and death without provide them with medical care or try to save them from their hidden fate by towers and deep prisons.

Emirati and Gulf Street raises many questions about the size of deaths in the Emirates, which says at the time of writing this report that the number of deaths has reached 119 cases, which is the number that can be multiplied by at least 10, while that the authorities say nothing about the deaths and avoid doctors and the media. Local media since its publication.

Emirati naivety and blind imitation of Doha

Abu Dhabi is trying to move behind Qatar in a naive and open way. With the appointment of Her Excellency Ms. Lulwa Al-Khater as official spokesperson for the Supreme Crisis Management Committee, the UAE announced the appointment of Dr. Amna Al-Dahhak Al-Shamsi, a government spokesperson for the latest developments in the Corona virus

Fake treatment and 100% cure rate!

Under the title of the invention and the detection of coronavirus treatment, Abu Dhabi says that a team of its doctors and researchers were able to extract the stem cells from the patient’s blood and re-enter them after activation, stating that they have been awarded a patent for the innovative way in which stem cells are collected.

At this unprecedented rate, the UAE indicated that it tried treatment in-state in 73 cases, and all recovered. This is the first time that a country can announce that it has attempted a scientific treatment for the Corona virus and has been 100% successful.

The Emirates News Agency confirms that the treatment underwent and successfully passed the first phase of clinical trials, indicating its safety, and none of the patients receiving treatment reported any immediate side effects and no interactions were found with traditional patient treatment protocols (Covid-19). . Trials continue to demonstrate the effectiveness of the treatment and are expected to be completed in two weeks.

Contradictory numbers and denial of reality.

In fact, these facts and figures are not credible with the high incidence of HIV infection in the UAE and are not proportional to the size of the large deaths, not to mention that this imaginary invention would have been true and global research would have stopped. And doctors, researchers, and inventors stood on one foot to use this treatment and rid the world of the epidemic. Threaten it, especially since many experts are still unsure of the ability of stem cells to treat the crown, as their true ability and effectiveness have so far not been demonstrated.

Here it seems that the rulers of the Emirates have not fulfilled with them the real steps that the State of Qatar has taken against the Corona virus, so it was necessary to appear and highlight the light that they always love to be, even if the false means are deceitful in order to hide the truth from those who die on their land, creating for themselves glory and imagination. With an invention whose price has not yet equaled the volume of playing the drums and honking in different media.

Internal division

It is clear that this imaginary invention has caused a divide within the Emirati, while the Emirati media glorify the treatment and describe it as a savior, the writer and academic Abdel Khaleq Abdullah came out to reduce achievement and end the Twitter media charade in which he said: “The treatment announced by the Abu Dhabi Center for stem cells that supports the wounded The Corona virus is still undergoing the first clinical trials and may help the person to overcome the symptoms associated with the virus only, but it does not eliminate the virus itself, although it is a significant medical achievement. But inform the media so that they do not give you more than its size.
