See a “disastrous” scandal in the “Umm Haroun” series!


The Gulf series “Umm Haroun”, starring Kuwaiti artist Hayat Al-Fahd, has made a “catastrophic” mistake.

In the Monday episode, Hayat Al-Fahd, who plays the role of a Jewish woman in her forties, who lives in a Gulf city and works as a nurse, is shown wearing single-use medical gloves.

The public commented that these gloves were produced by the Australian company Ancel in the 1960s.

Also read: On Omani radio … Hayat Al-Fahad defends the “truth of the Jews” and opens fire at the exit of “Umm …

The audience asked, how can Egyptian director Mohamed El-Adl make a mistake? .

They said the director should have examined more, especially since the work dates back to an ancient era so as not to have such superficial errors that they have become easy to monitor and detect.

The “Umm Haroun” series sparked widespread anger among Palestinians in particular and Arabs in general, due to its clear promotion of normalization with occupation.

Palestinian factions and personalities denounced the content of the series “Umm Haroun” and “Director 7” of the Gulf, and presented it to the Saudi MBC channel since the beginning of Ramadan, because they contained offenses for the Palestinian people and demand normalization with Israel.

The speakers unanimously agreed that these actions do not represent the Arab peoples, but rather the policies of the ruling regimes that have abandoned their principles and principles.

Hayat Al-Fahd said she is 100% satisfied with her work on the “Umm Haroun” series, denying that there has been a call for standardization.

She affirmed that the presence of the Jews in the world is a fact that we cannot deny: “We cannot say that we are not present … we lied to our soul”.

She described the series “Umm Haroun” as a “brave act”, and it was a great adventure for her when she decided to participate in it.

Hayat Al-Fahd’s remarks came during his arrival on the “Shouf in Ramadan” program on Oman’s “Youth” radio to speak about the details and truth of the controversy surrounding the series.
