Sectors will not recover without a Corona vaccine


Despite the gradual lifting of the closure in a large number of countries in the world and the reopening of economic sectors again, there are sectors that will not recover from Corona until after the development of an effective vaccine to stop the spread of the virus.

According to a report on the Axios website, these sectors will not recover even with respect to the rules of social distancing and safety protocols, and they need an effective vaccine.

With the exception of the healthcare sector, the industrial sector, including airlines, commercial services and suppliers, have demanded that a vaccine be available for the last seven months to return to work.

The entertainment industry is at the forefront, with theaters and theaters closed, as well as concert halls and live activity venues.

The travel and tourism sector is second on the list, as the sector is in crisis, with which companies have been forced to lay off workers, and most of the major cruise lines have closed their operations until 2021 .

Local transportation systems are struggling to convince people to return to the subway and buses.

While the food and beverage sector has started to attract customers again after closure restrictions were relaxed, it needs the vaccine to return to its normal routine, and bars suffered closures after the increase in cases was detected among their customers.

As for companies, the epidemic has led hundreds of companies to pursue remote work.

As for the recreation industry, he barely breathed a sigh of relief, after the opening of gyms and physical exercise lessons in various places, the crisis intensified again after the return of the virus outbreak.

Parks will be forced to remain closed in California, while museums will not be able to return anytime soon.

The report says that even with the vaccine, the virus will need to be fully controlled for these industries to rebound, at a time when consumers are facing doubt.

The World Health Organization has set a goal of providing two billion doses of vaccines by the end of 2021, at a time when the epidemic has killed at least 1,105,691 people worldwide since the office of the WHO in China reported the outbreak of the disease in late December.
