Secrets of the newspaper of Thursday, November 5, 2020


News: science and news

The market is saturated with fuel

Fuel prices are expected to decline in the next three weeks due to lower global prices, which means that pressure on the quantities offered in the local market will increase due to the availability of large quantities of fuel and gasoline in the markets. Tanks from merchants and in tanks at oil installations and in illegal warehouses used by business owners or individuals. To speculate on prices. The consumer will not benefit from this drop in prices, although he pays the cost when prices rise and the sale turns into monopoly chaos on the black market, and the only benefit will be related to the availability of this material at a subsidized price.

Employment in the Banking Control Commission

In accordance with the rules, the budget of the Banking Control Commission is presented to the Supreme Banking Authority for approval. The latter accepted two clauses, which were considered obsolete by the committee’s employees. The first is to employ 20 people at the same time, divided between 10 Muslims and 10 Christians, without clarifying the vision that was adopted of limiting the number to 20, or that it aims exclusively at “succeeding” sectarian quotas. The sources ask that before “the cessation of employment in the public sector, and the preparation for the restructuring phase of the banking sector, that is, the decrease in the number of banks and the absence of the need for a greater number of employees in the committee, what is the need for a new job? ” Furthermore, “when new people are hired on the supervisory committee, they are sent to banks or auditing firms for training, or they are being trained within the committee. Would this be possible under these circumstances?” The second item approved by the Supreme Banking Authority is the re-equipment of the branches, “due to the desire of one of the members to completely change their position, and two members who want to make partial changes.”

One billion dollars for “Audi” and “Bloom”

A prominent banker said he expects transactions to sell foreign units to the banks “Audi” and “Blom”, in Egypt and Jordan, in the next two months. The banker explained that “Audi” expects to get about $ 750 million from the Egyptian and Jordanian deals, while Blum expects to get about $ 250 million from the Egypt deal. He said that these operations will be accompanied by a restructuring within the two banks of the teams that work in these units, as several senior employees are expected to emerge within the agreements that are being discussed between the management of the two banks and the banks themselves. employees.

Calling home: the subtleties

Followers say that the fight for the health portfolio was the most intense, since it was the only bag that could get “cash” from abroad to face the challenges of the “Corona” pandemic.

It is reported that an effective bloc can announce a decisive position in the composition process if the prevailing quasi logic continues, and can even announce its exit from the government bazaar.

A concerned minister violates the government’s decision to ban the employment by appointing observers to his ministry in the districts, most recently by appointing two people affiliated with the March 8 forces in Akkar.

Major General: Secrets

A major country, through its ambassador, expressed a clear objection to a major service ministry being delegated to a minister of a party that opposes that state!

As usual, sycophants of those with “consoling intentions” abound around an effective pole in the governmental process.

The leakage of party names to enter the ministry as expert experts created “psychological and political pressure” on the authorship process.

Construction: the subtleties and scenes

The subtleties

Financial sources favored reaching an agreement on the financial criminal audit file based on the fact that the Ministry of Finance requested the necessary documents for its account to be audited, provided that the Ministry delivers them to the auditing company under its own responsibility without holding the company responsible. Banque du Liban of the consequences of violating bank secrecy and holding the Ministry criminally responsible for the leakage of the information provided to it. .


Sources related to the details of the US electoral scene said a joint supreme committee that includes former military and security leaders from the Democratic and Republican parties is monitoring clashes between supporters and has branches in sensitive seam zones that go down to the ground. to resolve disputes with police forces.

The Republic: Secrets

The official will be heading to Europe soon

A current civil servant is preparing to go, as soon as his responsibilities are over, to one of the European countries, instead of staying in Lebanon in search of an employment contract outside Lebanon.

Heavy files closed the return line

Close to the head of a non-Christian movement, they affirm that heavy files closed the return line to a deputy who had been separated from the movement for some time.

A disaster and a defenseless state!

A former senior official compares the damage of 90,000 residential and commercial units in the port explosion and the damage of 120,000 units in 35 days of the Israeli bombing of Lebanon in the July war, to indicate the scale of the disaster and the inability to the current authority to fulfill its functions.

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