Secrets of local newspapers published on November 6, 2020


Secrets of local newspapers published on November 6, 2020


The subtleties

Said a government reference, commenting on the scandal of storing imported Iraqi flour to help Lebanon, and the Minister of Economy acted shocked by his experience with more than one minister, which was a great disappointment to the government resigned with recklessness and abandon. of the exercise of responsibility.


A former US diplomat in Lebanon said the US view of Lebanon will revert to the pre-2005 equation, according to which the Lebanese situation is viewed alongside the US view of the situation in Syria, either from the angle of the future of the political map. from the region or from the angle of the stability of the southern border.

Day time

A former minister says that the Vatican’s support for Lebanon continues, but there are big questions in Holy See circles about decision-makers in Lebanon because every time they discover that things are going against expectations and that the complaint of the Lebanon is omnipresent in decision-making centers around the world.

One of the owners of the car rental companies says that because of the enormity of the loss this year, “now we are renting the porters at low prices to move the wheel of work, because we are facing the risk of closure.”

It was known that strict warnings were imposed on ministers, deputies and leaders of two rival political currents, to stop their escalation of positions under threat of responsibility, especially the hawks.

He drew the appearance of a former minister and deputy who belonged to a prominent political movement in a Christian spiritual building, which left questions about the objectives of his visit and his encounter with the spiritual authority of that building and if he returned to the political front of a single Body.

The Republic

Some parties fear that the next parliamentary elections will not be held under this authority, which postponed by-elections and rejected early elections for fear of losing them.

My serious talk on the political scene is about cutting some food products to half the price in the next few days.

Close to a senior official confirmed that the government train had been returned to the tracks and that the government could see the light in a few days.

Major General

Contrary to what is rumored, communication between a designated official and the capital of the “rescue initiative” continues, to follow up on the minutes of the ongoing efforts to form the government.

An interested party expressed dissatisfaction with the statement of the Minister of Economy in the interim government, to whom is he responsible for the spoiled flour scandal?

Close to the “headlines” live in the ministerial file, crammed by the paucity of information, reducing the number of people who donate to the far surface in drawing options.

Call home

A spiritual leader is preparing to visit Europe to restore momentum to proposals that protect the country after Europe is concerned about its internal crises.

A presidential authority is reported to have placed a “basket of names” for a sovereign portfolio, all with the same security background.

An interim government minister humiliatingly treated a large industrial delegation, after making them wait half an hour late for the scheduled meeting, returned and met them at the entrance of his office.

Al-Anbaa newspaper

Inability to drain

The Hassan Diab government shows that it is not even capable of doing business, and most ministers do not do the minimum of their work and their follow-up is limited to matters that interest them for specific purposes.

No response

No official charge has been issued regarding the statement by the head of the Syrian regime in which he accused the Lebanese banking sector of theft.
