Secrets of local newspapers published in Beirut today, Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Here are the secrets of the local newspapers published in Beirut today, Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The day
Reinforcements in the Golan
According to returnees from Damascus, military reinforcements from the regime and its allies are reported to be concentrated mainly in the Golan and Quneitra and along the Syrian-Lebanese borders.
Has the name been decided?
One of the candidates for the energy portfolio was informed that his name had been decided, he was told that the author’s decrees would be issued in two days, and when he informed a friend of this information, he replied: “There is no government , friend”.
Syrian normalization
The conversation about Syria’s normalization with Israel began before the upcoming Syrian presidential elections in July, in exchange for the regime’s acquisition of a carved area of ​​the Golan.

The subtleties
A financial expert said that the Lebanese will discover that what the Banque du Liban was doing in a secondary respect was related to the price of selling dollars to importers under the heading of subsidies, but the principle is to secure these dollars, and what will change is that the Bank of Lebanon stops that, not the price change. This means that importers will go to the market and the dollar will rise, regardless of where the subsidy goes.
Sources from the World Health Organization said that the size of the market represented by the drug and the vaccine in the face of the Corona epidemic will exceed one hundred billion dollars in the coming years, and that this explains the competition of the main countries for this market, but it requires slowing down the processing of information about the epidemic itself, the medicine and the vaccine.

The Republic
One of the officials lost a file under mysterious circumstances and seeks to verify that it was violated from within and reveal the author.
Meetings are held with all the political parties to discuss any decision that can be made on an issue of national dimension in the level of food security, which constitutes a new drop in the potential for recovery.
The monitoring circles learned that the visit of a non-civilian reference to his main reference caused him all the concerns and resulted in a promise to visit Lebanon.

Major general
Diplomatic sources linked the visit of an ambassador to a presidential headquarters, the postponement of the round of negotiations, and the task of the US commissioner in Beirut!
A monetary official advised to postpone a fateful meeting, pending the way of aid and the urgent needs of support.
Information about an American trend to separate Lebanon’s financial system from the global financial system has caused additional confusion among bankers and businessmen!

Call home
The interim prime minister is reported to have received Western diplomatic advice not to make decisions that go beyond the interim framework, so that his decisions do not contribute to further aggravating the situation. It turns out that the head of a prominent movement is behind the instruction to pump out leaks in the media that speak of external pressure on the designated prime minister.
A former deputy minister and minister of the “March 14” forces is working on drafting his notes.
