Secret places to store Corona vaccines


U.S. health authorities, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies store doses of coronavirus vaccines in safe and undisclosed locations.

These agencies are taking extra steps to prevent dose theft at a time when these vaccines are about to be used.

Industry officials and experts worry that they may be intercepted by sophisticated criminals, foreign governments or individuals eager to obtain vaccines before priority groups, such as healthcare workers.

Industry and health officials say the goal is to protect these vaccines from professional thieves who have a long history of targeting valuable drugs, and are the same ones who stole Covid-19 tests and protective masks, in addition to equipment. protection during the Corona pandemic.

Several companies are competing in the race to produce a vaccine against the coronavirus that has been invading the world for 10 months since China, but none of these vaccines have yet been approved.

US companies specializing in the pharmaceutical industry plan to produce fake vaccine shipments to mislead thieves, in light of high rates of theft and counterfeiting of medical products of up to 70% over the past five years, according to the Security Institute. Pharmaceutical.

Pfizer decided to ship its vaccines in special containers that can be temperature controlled, as it will use a program to track the location and temperature of the doses, to avoid any unexpected events.

Several states claim that manufacturers or the federal government will ship the vaccine directly to hospitals and other vaccination sites to reduce the number of road stops.
