School Road … Jerusalem Road


It is not the beginning, but from here we will begin. We will start where memory stopped us, the childhood whose details ended up transforming into memories, memories that are not memories, but rather present and that seem to be the future. We will start from the wonderful school path. I am no longer a life of commitment, and my father’s choices have always been difficult, including choosing a place to live nearby. It is close to being in the vicinity of Jerusalem, and very far because it became like that later, as a result of the gray colors that developed and suddenly rose.

It was a normal life, and I never felt it was, because bird cages, after getting used to them, would never imagine the life of birds in the sky. Like paradise, neither sight nor hearing is heard, even if I never agreed with this sentence. Perhaps alienation was my worst predestination, it was the bitter truth, it was a miserable discovery, and perhaps fortunately for the rest of our lives we can discover that even if it is late. I never knew that a life like that was alien to any other life, since it was not a traditional life, but a quarter of a distorted life, to be sacrificed later, and from the eyes of a white balloon on Friday, representing Jerusalem from above, caught between the two halves of life, the two halves of reality and the two halves of reality. The truth about Jerusalem and the truth beyond Jerusalem.
The one wearing a Corolla collar sweater, three sweaters behind him, and a winter sweater from above! She wears these fabrics on her body, travels between home and abroad, on a visit to a friend, to satisfy the need, a job interview, in the hot and cold in summer, autumn, winter and spring, at school and college, then at work! We are. Born too, to be prepared for death too. She sacrificed two things, one with abominable and restless feelings, in exchange for something great, warm and without reaction. A miserable, incompatible, incomprehensible and compassionate character who gets used to an hour and a half to two hours a day to reach the thresholds of school, as he gets used to waiting at the abominable checkpoints, and used to find his way to The school suddenly closed, to begin the quick search journey for a detour alternative!
I was surprised that my father, who was not patient, was indifferent to the condition of walking at the Karkashian traffic light, which leaves the way to flocks of cars west of Jerusalem, even if the expression is not correct, stopping by a road with a green signal, full of miserable red Indians. We learned at an early age that lying was a vice, so my arrival at school at the rate of 3 days a week was after the date of the first session, requires a diversification of reasons, because the real reason is not logical to repeat it. I lived in a city behind a permanent military checkpoint, and my school is in the center of Jerusalem. One day I wished my school was tackling, but the Lord could be helpful, as it fueled the imagination of my thoughts, through the adventures of Home and School Road and vice versa. The path of my school has changed dozens of times, so the best trips I know of your country will return to the one that occupied my land, even if he knows what he has done! Thanks to him, he discovered valleys, mountains and some types of animals, such as deer and wild areas, and he inhaled, in addition, many odors from nature, trees and spring to human and animal waste, then tear gas for the development of his types, so I developed a sense of smell that many witness to me today.
Perhaps the question of facts that we have long ignored, knowingly or unknowingly, that you are born, grow, and grow in Jerusalem and do not see Jerusalem, so it arises from the rest of its details, perfumes, and angles. As if our daylight hours are structured in such a way that they put the details of our day in negligible molds, which in turn makes the “freedom” of the individual limited to narrow spaces between home, school or work at most. Agra from a French friend who tells me about the places he visited in Jerusalem that I do not know. I was also close when meeting another friend who flew over the sky of my Jerusalem, and I was also forced to explore the rest of its details after 25 years of studying and working on it. In fact, we live in psychological ghettos each in his world, moving within the limits of imaginary walls formed as a result of the social and political contexts in which we grow up. It arises with perceptions of the world that are different from the world in anything, and with human intuitions that are irrelevant to what the other faces abroad, distorting your inner being and preventing your communication with the nearby ocean. She sacrificed a cold, repressed, with timid reactions to the white man, in exchange for time bombs with those of similar circumstances. Jerusalem is the details, the angles, the perfumes, the air, the childhood, the memory, the present, the nostalgia, the ego and the homeland! It is a complete life that is missing! It’s easy to abstain!
I used to move daily between the two parts of life, a relatively colorful life, unlike a gray life several meters after crossing a barrier. Between two halves of logic that do not perish to logic with onion and separated by ashes. Jerusalem, as a complete aura, is the catastrophe that has not ended and continues to be distorted. We live a quarter of life, spending the remaining quarters fed up with the piles of clothes we carry in our bodies! We have witnessed calamities, including what we have witnessed and witnessed, and some of which we did not realize due to its intensity. How much do we need eyes hanging in the sky to show us reality as we should see it, and not as we think we know? He lives the oppression between the conscious and the unconscious, and he lives almost like life without realizing the complete form of life, so he is used to a phantom life, he is used to rejection, arrogance, inferiority, ignorance , racism and non-existence without feeling, lives in focuses between you and your peers behind the wall, and you are satisfied, because you, of course, “Better» I don’t know what! Perhaps less miserable or more, until finally demand logical reasoning with logical solutions!
This Jerusalem, with its perpetual permanent movement, has the only constant factors and thousands of movements. She is the past and the present, she is the afflicted mother, she is the orphan girl, she is the mother of the afflicted, she is the party and the death, she is health and disease, she is greed and hope! She is love, she is us! The constant will not remain unless we become constants, our awareness of our unchanging cause, our awareness of our present and future destiny, and our preservation of a non-separate collective identity! Let us help the sanctuary that remains for us. Time and time again for a previous address, we in Jerusalem are fine. And you?

* Jerusalem researcher
