Scenes of blood and death inside Sohag’s trains … and the secret of the “danger round”


A state of terror in the young Egyptian Rheil Abu Amer, one of the passengers of the two trains that was subjected to a collision in the governorate of Sohag, in the south of Egypt, on Friday, after the scenes of blood and death that saw in the painful accident. , which killed 32 people and injured 91 others, according to Egypt’s Ministry of Health.

Although he was not significantly injured compared to the rest of the train cars that were subjected to the collision, his departure was transferred to the Sohag University Hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown, according to a statement from a friend to “Sky News Arabia “, explaining that they were on their way to Cairo for their military service center in the armed forces after Vacation expires.

On Friday, Egypt witnessed a painful accident, which is the collision of two railway trains in the Sawamiya al-Mafen area, affiliated with the city of Tahta in the Sohag governorate in southern Egypt, which resulted in death of 32 citizens and the injured of another 91 people, according to the statement of the Egyptian Ministry of Health, while the Egyptian railway confirmed that the reason for the accident was to open The “danger” of some wagons twisted one of the two trains, by unknown persons.

A state of terror in the young Egyptian Rheil Abu Amer, one of the passengers of the two trains that was subjected to a collision in the governorate of Sohag, in the south of Egypt, on Friday, after the scenes of blood and death that saw in the painful accident. , which killed 32 people and injured 91 others, according to Egypt’s Ministry of Health.

Although he was not significantly injured compared to the rest of the train cars that were subjected to the collision, his departure was transferred to the Sohag University Hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown, according to a statement from a friend to “Sky News Arabia “, explaining that they were on their way to Cairo for their military service center in the armed forces after Vacation expires.

On Friday, Egypt witnessed a painful accident, which is the collision of two railway trains in the Sawamiya al-Mafen area, affiliated with the city of Tahta in the Sohag governorate in southern Egypt, which resulted in death of 32 citizens and the injured of another 91 people, according to the statement of the Egyptian Ministry of Health, while the Egyptian railway confirmed that the reason for the accident was to open The “danger” of some wagons twisted one of the two trains, by unknown persons.

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Lift the state of emergency

Sohag General Hospital doctor Omar Al-Shaibani said that a state of emergency had been declared and all doctors had been summoned to Sohag General Hospital to receive the injured and emergency cases from the scene of the accident. .

Al-Shaibani added to “Sky News Arabia” that all necessary measures are being taken to treat the injured at the scene of the accident, in cooperation with all departments and officials of the hospital, and certainly with other hospitals.

The prime minister intervenes

Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly announced the follow-up of the Sohag train collision, which occurred on Friday at noon in the Tahta region, with the Ministers of Transport, Health and Population, and assigned to quickly transport all the wounded to hospitals. Receive urgent medical attention.

According to an official statement, the Egyptian Prime Minister ordered the officials concerned to immediately move to the scene of the incident, provide the necessary support and quickly resolve the situation there and in the crisis room of the Information and Support Center. decision making. of the Council of Ministers was activated immediately, to first know the situation at the scene of the accident, with the officials, and the coordination between the ministries and the competent authorities.

Eyewitnesses told Sky News Arabia that 3 vehicles were completely destroyed after a “Spanish air-conditioned” train collided with a “special” train, confirming that there are still some missing people inside these destroyed vehicles.

The Attorney General orders an investigation

The Egyptian Prosecutor ordered an urgent investigation into the accident involving two trains that collided with Sohag, and a team from the Prosecutor’s Office traveled to initiate investigation procedures.

The Egyptian Ministry of Health spokesman Khaled Mujahid announced that immediately after the accident, 74 ambulances were dispatched, transporting the dead and injured cases to evacuation hospitals, namely: “Sohag General, Sohag Education, Tahta and Maragha “.

Mujahid confirmed that the Minister of Health and Population went to the Sohag governorate to monitor the health status of the injured and ensure that they were provided with the best means of medical care, and the minister also created a crisis and emergency room in Sohag to follow up on the aftermath of the accident, and provide supplies and medical supplies, in addition to providing medical teams of all medical specialties. Provide the necessary support to the injured.

Turn the danger

An official statement from the Egyptian Railway Authority stated that during the journey of the 157 train other than Luxor, Alexandria, between the Maragha and Tahta stations, unknown persons opened the danger of winding some vehicles and therefore the train stopped, and in the meantime and at exactly 11:42 am, a 2011 train passed the air conditioning from Aswan, Cairo, Semaphore.709 and collided with the rear of the last car with a 157 train, causing the overturning of 2 wagons from the rear of the train 157 that was parked on the railroad track and the 2011 train tractor and motorized wagon overturned

The railway statement confirmed that this led to the occurrence of a series of injuries and deaths, which are being counted in cooperation with the Ministry of Health staff. The injured were transferred to the hospitals in Sohag, Tahta and Maragha, and a technical committee was formed to find out the causes of the accident and a follow-up is being carried out to speed up the accident and the movement of trains on the line.
