“Saving billions for the treasury” … an important step for Saudi Arabia


Thousands of reports received by the Zakat Authority in Saudi Arabia on tax evasion are treated with complete confidentiality without revealing the identity of the complainants.

Experts believe that “the reports received by the authority and the process of fighting tax evasion contribute to raising billions for the Saudi treasury.”

The governor of the Zakat and Income Authority, engineer Suhail Abanami, confirmed that “during the next period a report will be prepared on the complaints filed by people concerned about tax evasion, after the authority has received thousands of complaints during the last period, and are treated with complete confidentiality without revealing the identity of the complainants. The veracity of the complaint is verified, and if evasion is verified, the complainants are rewarded at a rate of 2.5% of the value of the sums collected, not exceeding one million riyals and not less than 1,000 riyals.

Economists said: “The measure contributes to the efficiency of work and the reduction of evasion operations, and pushes business owners not to think about tax evasion for fear of reporting them in the future, while currently it is contributing to raise billions for the treasury of the Kingdom. ”

Fadl bin Saad Al-Buainain, an economist, said: “The modernity of the tax system and its application in Saudi Arabia cause several challenges, which are addressed to address them on the one hand and raise the tax culture in the society on the other.”

Al-Buainain explained in his speech to “Sputnik” that “tax evasion is not limited to one country, since it is widespread in most countries of the world, indicating that confronting it requires enacting laws and providing incentives to discover it.”

He stated that “tax evasion has several effects, since it negatively affects public finances and the tax liability.”

Al-Buainain believes that “it is important to create incentives for those who denounce tax evasion, so that it helps to detect evaders to make them pay the tax owed and transfer it to the public treasury.”

While some criticize the incentives provided to whistleblowers, Al-Buainain notes that “these incentives are a philosophy applied in different sectors, not just tax, and that they have proven their worth.

Abdullah Al-Rabdi, the Saudi economist, says: “The measure aims to increase the efficiency of tax revenue and prevent any attempts at unfair practices.”

Increase state and government revenues and contribute to the achievement of development goals. Al-Raidi added in his speech to “Sputnik” that “all these goals are achieved through the budget to which tax revenues contribute.”

Regarding the possible estimated figures for tax collection, Al-Ridi points out that “the tax figures are high, and perhaps the government’s expectations were lower than reality, and that the use of technology contributed to reducing tax evasion, and that the tax evasion rate in the Kingdom is the lowest, as the tax is limited in the Kingdom. 15 percent is the added value. “

The increase in the number of reports carried an important signal, explained by economist Nile Faleh al-Jawabra, as “it was due to the existence of the bounty.

Some conditions must be met in order for the person to get the reward. According to al-Yawabreh, the reward is not given to individuals who collect taxes from companies, and must not be related to the tax collectors.

The reports include full and partial tax evasion, “which contributes significantly to saving the Saudi treasury billions, according to Al-Jawabreh.”
