Saudi media dagger in the back of Palestine


“The enemy is the one who cannot be with you and curses you day and night more than the Israelis. We enter wars for Palestine and cut oil to America for the cause of Palestine. When they had authority, we paid their wages and costs even though we were entitled to this money. And when they find an opportunity, the first to attack it is Saudi Arabia … … statements made by the Saudi actor Rashid Al-Shamrani in the series “Exit 7” (Written by Khalaf Al-Harbi – directed by Aws Al-Sharqi – mbc’s Saudi network), and it was not a coincidence that it was repeated, even in different ways in the media The Saudi.

Who would believe that one day we will reach a stage where a violent attack against the Palestinians will be waged and demonized, and we will accuse them of selling their land as part of preparing the ground to empty the Palestinian cause from its roots and establishing direct relations with the Israeli occupation? What is happening today, on the Gulf platforms, goes beyond the passage of messages from here or there, justifying normalization and working to formulate a humanized image of the occupation.

Palestinian cartoonist Mohamed Sabaana in response to the label “#Palestine_is not my case”

Today we are faced with a systematic Saudi plan, in which drama and its creators, writers, the press and the electronic world are used to attack the Palestinian cause and abolish it from deliberation and even from existence. The hashtag “# Palestine_is not my case”, which has been spread over the past few hours by Saudi electronic flies, is just a clear picture of what Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman wants to help solve the problem and sow discord between the Saudis and the Palestinians. The dramatic presentation in the aforementioned series, together with “Umm Haroun” (written by Muhammad and Ali Shams – directed by Muhammad Jamal al-Adil – mbc), seeks to bestow the qualities of kindness and familiarity with the Zionists, in exchange for the demonizing the Palestinians, and reminding him that Saudi Arabia spent his money on a large amount of money, and even fought him with the war. Karmy him! The role of the Saudi press, which is now full of articles, comes in wholesale articles, in which the phrases “normalization” are repeated, and for the first time the hostile opinion of the Palestinian people is known. In an article entitled “Palestinians are a sea of ​​hatred that does not end!” Muhammad al-Sa`d published it in the Saudi newspaper “Okaz” the day before yesterday, the Saudi writer accused the Palestinians of “systematic and intentional forgery and counterfeiting”, by signing “sales documents for Zionist organizations”, by joining the “Knesset Israeli “, and work in the” Israel Defense Forces “, and that they” The only ones who recognized Israel and negotiated with them! ” The article goes beyond these indiscriminate accusations, to further inflict their hatred by claiming that the Palestinians took advantage of their cause using “emotional blackmail”, and their goal was “to earn money and take revenge on the amount of oil leaving the Bedouin desert lands, not on the Haifa and Jaffa farms”! In context, an article was published yesterday in the same newspaper, entitled “Normalization … Representation and Reality!” Writer Haila Al-Mushawah.

Articles in Saudi newspapers embody Palestinians and encourage normalization with Israel

The latter indicated in her article that Saudi Arabia supported the Palestinian cause and hit it with the “noblest position”, and the multiplicity of billions spent on the Palestinians. Perhaps the most widely discussed article was written by Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, which was published two days ago in the “Middle East” under the title “Standardization is not the problem.” In its content, it is an affirmation that Arab governments cannot expand trade and open markets. Here, in his opinion, “Israel will be no exception”, and these governments can direct public opinion, since they control the media, education, mosques, unions and the street, “to reconcile or demonize the new friend!” Therefore, and with a quick tour of what the Saudi media pumps with all its platforms, the scenario becomes clearer, with the end of Bin Salman, his last crazy parties to liquidate the Palestinian cause, the demonization of his people , generalizing the characteristics of employment and being overwhelmed by it … in favor of an angelic image of the occupation, drawn by the current drama of Ramadan, and trying to steal historical Palestine.
