Sale of Amazon rainforest land through “Facebook” – Al-Manar channel website – Lebanon


The BBC reported that parts of the Brazilian Amazon are being sold illegally through Facebook.

The BBC said that the land for sale includes protected areas, national forests and lands reserved for indigenous peoples, which have a very large area.

The sale offers on the site contain satellite images and GPS coordinates and many sellers admit that they do not have title to the land, and it is the only document that proves ownership of the land under Brazilian law.

For its part, “Facebook” expressed its willingness to “work with local authorities”, but indicated that it will not take independent action on their part to stop this type of trade.

“Our business policies require buyers and sellers to comply with laws and regulations,” the site said.

As for Brazil’s Environment Minister Ricardo Salles, he said: “The government of President Jair Bolsonaro has always made it clear that it has zero tolerance for any crime, including environmental crimes.”

He noted that “this year the government established Operation Green Brazil 2, which seeks to control illegal deforestation and illegal fires and unify efforts between the federal government and the states. Forests ”.

In turn, the leader of one of the affected indigenous communities urged Facebook to do more. While activists claimed that the country’s government is not ready to stop sales.

“The invaders of the Earth feel so empowered that they are not ashamed to go to Facebook to do illegal land deals,” said Evanid Bandera, director of the environmental NGO Canendi.

Source: BBC
