Russian scientists stunned NASA announcement about the discovery of water on the moon


Russian scientists stunned NASA announcement about the discovery of water on the moon



The director of the Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Laboratory announced that information about the presence of water on the light side of the moon has been known to Russian scientists since 2010, but NASA has not believed it.

Mitrofanov indicated, in an interview with the Russian news agency Novosti, that NASA attributed this discovery to the American “Artemis” satellite program. “Of course, the published news does not indicate even in a word that we published before, the fact that water can exist even in places illuminated by the sun,” he said.

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He added that the presence of water on the light side of the moon was discovered in 2009 by the Russian device LEND, so the announcement of its discovery is not “new.”

The LEND device is reported to have been manufactured in cooperation with the United States and installed on the American LRO satellite.

Mitrofanov adds: “The basic American idea was that the water is in the dark places of the craters at the moon’s poles. But when we started testing the LEND device installed on the American LRO satellite, we noticed signs that indicated the presence of water. not only in these wells, but also in some places. ” Always on. “He added, explaining, and Russian scientists at the time published an article on this topic in the journal Science.

And the Russian expert points out that most American experts insist on the idea of ​​water only in the dark craters at the moon’s poles. But “in the new article they made a” great American discovery “because they discovered the presence of water on the illuminated surface of the moon.

He added that, according to Russian data, water could exist under a thin layer of the moon’s surface. “This is another great success for American scientists. I congratulate you,” the NASA announcement joked.

Source: Novosti
