Russia used it in Syria. What is a dangerous “termite”?


A package of new US sanctions against Syrian officials for what they committed against the Syrian people.

The US State Department announced, according to Secretary Mike Pompeo, that the new sanctions include 17 military personnel, government officials and businessmen.

Pompeo said in a tweet: “His actions have harmed the Syrian people and prolonged their suffering for no reason. Security Council resolution 2254 is the only way forward.”

The sanctions included, according to a statement issued by the US State Department, to the commander of the Syrian Army’s Fifth Division, a revival due to his role in obstructing and preventing the ceasefire in the country.

Who is the rebirth?

According to Syrian media and tweeters, Major General Milad Jadid was appointed commander of the Fifth Corps in the regular army last July, after taking the post of commander of the Special Forces.

The Syrian “Omran” Center for Political Studies says “Jadid” comes from the Qardaha area in the Lattakia governorate of western Syria, and belongs to an Alawite clan called “Al-Haddadin”.

Syrian regime president Bashar al-Assad had made changes to the ranks of his military forces in 2018, including the appointment of a new born commander of the Republican Guard.

In June 2019, Jadid was appointed commander of the Special Forces, which is one of the fiercest branches of the Syrian regular army.

Jadid quickly rose through the ranks, becoming, last July, commander of the regular army’s Fifth Corps, which is stationed in the Damascus, Homs and Palmyra governorates.

The Fifth Corps is considered, since its establishment, the Russian military arm in the land of Syria, where it was directly linked to the Hmeimim base, and even moved under the leadership of Moscow, away from the Defense Ministry of the Syrian regime.

Your crimes are not the only reason

Syrian political analyst Ayman Abdel Nour believes that the main motive for the sanctions is not just a new crime-filled birth record, but rather that it hampers political solutions in regions of Syria.

In his interview with Al-Hurra, Abdel-Nour explained that the Fifth Corps, led by Jadid, is supposed to be responsible for “the work of reconciliation and absorption of Syrian dissidents from opposition factions, but it was a reason to fuel sectarian violence. “

“The Fifth Corps created sectarian problems in Daraa governorate, along with problems with the Druze in the city of As-Suwayda, and there they killed young men, which is in contrast to the mission to which they were assigned,” explains Abdel Nour.

Regarding a new record of birth crimes, Abd al-Nour noted that Jadid was a commander of the Republican Guard before assuming command of the Fifth Corps, and this branch close to the head of the Syrian regime is known to be among the most criminal. .

Abdel Nour added that the Republican Guard “committed many massacres”, but the Syrian analyst believes that sanctions were imposed on Jadid, who leads the Fifth Corps, for his prevention of political and consensual solutions, such as what is happening now in Idlib and Daraa. .

The Syrian analyst explained that regime forces are sabotaging political solutions by violating the Turkish-Russian agreements that provide for a ceasefire in some areas.
