Russia is ready for a joint freeze on the number of nuclear warheads with the United States


Russia has revealed its willingness to jointly “freeze” the number of its nuclear warheads with the United States to extend the validity of the Strategic Offensive Arms Limitation Treaty, which is approaching its expiration date.

And the Russian Foreign Ministry considered that “we have not received any official response from the United States to the memorandum we issued on October 16 of this year in which the proposal of Russian President Vladimir Putin to extend the Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Arms was made. Offensive for a period of one year. ” We have only seen individual comments on social media from some US officials.

The ministry said in a statement Tuesday that “Russia proposes to extend the Treaty on Strategic Offensive Controls for one year and is ready to make a joint political commitment with the United States to freeze the number of nuclear warheads owned by the two parties during this period”.

The Russian Foreign Ministry added: “Our position can be applied exclusively with the understanding that the freezing of nuclear warheads will not be accompanied by any other additional requests from the United States.”

On October 16, the Russian president presented an initiative to extend the “New START” treaty to limit offensive strategic weapons with the United States for one year unconditionally.
