Russia is fighting “Corona” from the second seat: the Kremlin’s voice is infected!


Russia has witnessed a tremendous increase in the number of infections with the Corona virus, ranking second in the world behind the United States of America, with notable infections recorded among its top officials.

According to data from the Russian official authorities, reported by the local media, 232,243 cases were registered in the country, after 10,899 new cases were added in the last 24 hours.
Figures show that the daily growth rate of the number of injuries reached 4.9 percent, compared to 5.6 percent the previous day, causing Russia to jump from fifth to second in one day, without going over for Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Despite the high overall figures, the infection rate in Russia per 100,000 population remains at 158, which is lower than in Spain, for example (approximately 487), in the United Kingdom (approximately 337), and in Italy (approximately 360).
The number of deaths from the virus remains low, with 2,116 deaths, and much less than in Italy, France or even Germany, which is considered a model in overall crisis management.

The Kremlin’s voice is infected.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov confirmed today that he was infected with the Corona virus, while answering a journalist’s question, stressing that he is now receiving treatment.
Peskov was quoted by the Russian agency “TASS” as telling reporters that he had met with President Vladimir Putin in person for the last time in more than a month.


Previously, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Michaustin was diagnosed with the virus, along with Housing Minister Vladimir Yakushev and Culture Minister Olga Lubimova.
Turkey soon entered the Russian news line. After announcing the injury in the media, Turkish presidential spokesman Fakhreddin Alton wished his Russian counterpart Piscov a speedy recovery. “We attach great importance to coordination and cooperation with our friend Russia in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic,” Alton wrote on Twitter. I wish my friend, the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, a speedy recovery. Together we will succeed. “

Media battle
Opponents of the Russian authorities are promoting that the latter is altering death statistics, which do not take into account the deaths of thousands and attribute the reason for this to other reasons.
Those assumptions are backed by Western media reports, which speak of a large number of injuries and deaths in Russia.
Commenting on those reports, the deputy prime minister in charge of the archive, Tatiana Golikova, said in a few words: “We do not manipulate official statistics.”
As for the Russian Duma member, Adalbi Shakhakhushif, she considered that the British newspaper “Financial Times” should clarify the data on which she based to prepare a report saying that the real number of deaths in Russia due to the virus is 70 percent higher than the official number announced.
“The article is false news worldwide … and could be a fodder article given that Russia is on a positive path,” said Shakhajushchev, a member of the state Duma accused of investigating foreign interference in internal affairs. From Russia.
The deputy confirmed that “some measures can be taken if there is no regression in the newspaper’s position,” noting the presence of injured government officials, without an attempt to hide the information.
At the same time, the representative of the World Health Organization in Russia, Melita Voynovich, told the television channel “Russia 24” that there is no evidence that the Russian authorities tried to hide the real number of deaths caused by the virus.

Loosen up!
Although Russia climbed the casualty pyramid very rapidly toward the summit, the government began cautious moderation of the isolation measures imposed today. The Russian president called for the relaunch of the economic wheel, which suffers in Russia as in other countries due to isolation, but also due to the collapse of oil prices.
“Whenever possible, conditions must be created to restore activities in the basic economic sectors: construction, industry, agriculture, communications, energy and extraction of raw materials,” Putin said.
Under new decisions, each Russian region may slowly lift some restrictions, such as opening hairdressing salons and gardens, depending on the reality of the epidemic and the number of beds and respirators available to them.
But Moscow, the epicenter of the epidemic in the country (121,301 cases), extended the isolation measures until May 31. The use of a protective mask and gloves has become mandatory in common means of transport in the capital, as well as in closed public places such as food stores.
On Tuesday, it was enough to reprimand violators, but as of Wednesday, a heavy fine will be imposed, amounting to five thousand rubles, or 63 euros.
In the Bashkuristan (Ural) region, regional official Radhi Khaberov announced the reopening of “banks, ports and parks” during the day. For its part, the Magadan region in the Russian Far East allowed individual sports outside the home.

The unemployment rate has doubled.
Today, Deputy Prime Minister-designate Tatiana Golikova said unemployment in Russia almost doubled, bringing the number of unemployed to more than 1.4 million in mid-May.
“The number of registered unemployed so far has increased from 725,800 to 1,434 million,” said Golikova. In other words, it has doubled or increased by 97.6 percent. “
Golikova added that since March 1, approximately 1,654 million Russian citizens have applied for employment services.

America also helps
Amid intense Russian-American discussions about the world oil market, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov emphasized that his country does not refuse to help foreign partners in the fight against the virus, including members of the European Union and the United States, adding that Washington is already providing assistance.
Lavrov noted that the European Union created a group called “the East” to search for “external enemies, trying to question the capabilities of the European Union to meet this challenge (…) and, of course, calling Russia, China and some others countries. “
He recalled that there was no statement from a Russian official saying that “the Union cannot cope with the epidemic.”
