Rouhani: Trump’s fate will be no better than Saddam Hussein’s


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says Tehran will be able to reduce the impact of sanctions and overcome them, noting that this will mean the defeat of “Israel” and reactionary regimes.

  • Rouhani: cooperation between people and officials, and economic growth in the country
    Rouhani: cooperation between people and officials, and economic growth in the country

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani claimed that his country did not allow sanctions to achieve their goal, which is to overthrow the Islamic Republic.

At the weekly cabinet meeting, Rouhani said Tehran could reduce the impact of sanctions and overcome them, noting that this would mean the defeat of “Israel” and reactionary regimes.

He noted that “the day we defeat the sanctions, we will have defeated the Zionists, the reactionary forces and the extremists in the United States. They are the ones behind the sanctions, and we must defeat them. Iran faced in its history a crazy people who he made war on the first Iranian people, Saddam Hussein, who imposed a military war on Iran. ” The second madman is Trump, who launched an economic war against Iran.

Rouhani emphasized that “Iran has managed, through the unity and determination of its people, to defeat Saddam in its military war, and it will also defeat Trump, and its fate will be no better than Saddam’s. Iran has not allowed them to sanctions achieve their objective and will be able to reduce the impact of sanctions through their ongoing development and projects.

Rouhani emphasized that his administration “placed the issue of thwarting the unjust embargo at the top of its priorities, and thus ending the embargo and thwarting the economic war means thwarting the Zionist and reactionary designs that colluded with US extremists to impose the embargo on Iran”.

Regarding the Iranian economy, the Iranian president said that next year’s budget data will be different from that of the current and last year, either from a political or economic point of view, as well as the evolution of the construction and reconstruction budget. . Thus, we will witness a positive development in the economy, the agricultural sector and services.

On supporting the poor classes, Rouhani said next year’s budget includes significant gains for the economically marginalized and will see a 25 percent increase in the wages of workers, employees, retirees and welfare recipients.

He also confirmed that the oil industry will witness a big move that will impact the budget.

President Rouhani also referred to the impact of Corona in the country, saying: “During the last weeks we have controlled the third wave of the disease and were able to reduce the victims to 50 percent, and efforts are continuing to produce the Internal vaccine, as well as the Central Bank and the Ministry of Health are preparing a plan to import Corona vaccines from. In this way, the external vaccine will be available together with the Iranian vaccine, which we hope will be ready in the coming months.
