Revelation of Zadeh’s relationship with Syria, Hezbollah and Hamas


On Sunday, the Iranian agency Mehr published an article on the relationship of the Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, assassinated on Friday in Tehran, with what it called “resistance movements in Palestine, Syria and Yemen.”

The article said that “extremely dangerous information reached Israeli intelligence a few months ago, claiming that Iran and Hezbollah have succeeded in supplying Hamas and Islamic Jihad, through Syria, with cruise missiles and drones equipped with cluster bombs. , as well as the technology necessary to manufacture them in Gaza, and that the first person in charge of that is Fakhrizadeh, and this explains the intensification of the Israeli incursions in Syria in the last months “.

The article pointed to “a report published by the Israeli” Neeman “Foundation two years ago that Iran, under the supervision of Fakhri Zadeh, has transferred its technological progress to Syria, Yemen, Hezbollah and the Palestinian factions, so that resistance movements and Syria are not left at the mercy of changing circumstances that may impede the flow of weapons to them. Tehran. “

The article noted that “the plan to assassinate Fakhrizadeh was drawn up during a secret meeting held in 2019 in the United States, in which several Israeli military and security leaders, Emirati and Saudi personalities, and several leaders of the PMOI participated. “, adding that” on the meeting agenda. ” One issue was the implementation of security operations within Iran and the attempt to disrupt its missile, military and nuclear program, as well as the design of plans to prevent weapons from reaching Syria, and from there to Lebanon and Gaza.
