#Return_begins_the departure of Al-Assad responding to the refugee conference


Damascus – Syrians responded to social media sites with a hashtag #The return begins with the departure of Assad About the Refugee Conference. The hashtag has been broadcast in several countries.

An international conference was held in the Syrian capital, Damascus, for two days, Wednesday and Thursday, to discuss the issue of the return of Syrian refugees, with the participation of Russia and countries friends of the Assad regime, while it is boycotted by the Union European, whose members host hundreds of thousands of Syrians, and the United Nations attends as an “observer.”

Research centers classify the “Syrian refugee” crisis as the largest and most tragic in modern history.

Syrians believe they are “forcibly displaced by the killing machine” in their country.

And he wrote a tweet:

shawakh3jele @

Iran kills in Syria, Russia kills in Syria, the regime kills Syrians in Syria, all this they want to promote normally and the problem is the return of the refugees! We are not refugees, but forcibly displaced by a group of murderers supported by the countries of the civilized world, with weapons in hand, and we are defenseless to kill. #The return begins with the departure of Al-Assad.

An activist said:

Magedabdelnour1 @

One of the ironies of this planet is that the one who abandoned me, my family and the people of my town, destroyed our houses and killed our loved ones, is the same one who holds meetings and converts capital under the name of return. of refugees … We are forcibly displaced, not refugees, and the reason for our displacement is Bashar al-Assad first, Putin second and the geography of Khamenei in which crushing criminals third.

In his keynote address, which was broadcast via video technology, President Bashar al-Assad accused “the Western regimes led by the US regime and the countries affiliated with it in our neighborhood, specifically Turkey, of” creating artificial conditions to collectively expel the Syrians “, and then” to exploit them in the most horrible form of exploitation and turn their humanitarian cause into a political role to bargain. “

Hashtag users confirmed #The return begins with the departure of Al-Assad From the countries of asylum in his tweets that it is impossible to accept a return to his country and that Bashar al-Assad is in power, indicating that he continues to kill civilians until now.

They said the conference was a plan to “legitimize” Assad.

@ mostafabakkour6

The Refugee Conference in Occupied Damascus, one of its most important goals, is to transform the Syrian revolution in the eyes of the world from a revolution of dignity against injustice, oppression and murder that ends only with the removal of the murderer and his cohorts. and their trial and freeing the country from the occupiers to the issue of refugees seeking refuge after the organizations humiliated them and failed them with Assad’s leaders. The return begins.
