Results of the lottery draw with Zaid Al-Lebanese (March 29), the 1887 Lotto-Lebanon ticket tonight


Through the continuous monitoring that we do, we are up to date with the results of the Lebanese Lottery draw with the Zaid media, today Monday, March 29, 2021, provided that the draw takes place at seven thirty in the morning . at night, and the giveaway comes to you twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays, on the screen of LBC And Lebanese TV, the entertainment giveaway program everyone is looking to participate in, to better follow the weekly competition.

As for the Lebanese Lottery, it arrives on Monday and Thursday of each week, while the Lebanese National Lottery arrives only on Thursday of each week, as long as the draw is by buying the cards at random and the draw is made publicly. on the aforementioned card, and then the results will be announced on Lebanese television. And on the official website of Lotto in Lebanon, and the search for this matter is increasing in many countries.

Lottery draw results

Lebanese lottery card with Zaid

The Lebanese lottery draw is at 7:30 p.m. M., Local time.
Next letter 1887
The draw date is Monday 29-3-2021 (March)
Withdrawals are made on the Lebanese channel LBC
The Lebanese Lottery Link

See now the frequency of the Lebanese satellite channel LBC

LBC channel frequency

The frequency of the LBC channel is: 10776
Polarization: horizontal H
Error correction factor: 5/6
Encoding Rate: 27500
Moon: Nilesat

The next card for the lottery in Lebanon is 1887, which is the card on which the winner is announced today, the lottery program consists of buying the card at a simple price and participating in a random drawing, as long as the lottery. in an official program on the air, and the results are consulted later. From the official website.

Perhaps Syria followed the same path, but through the Damascus International Fair lottery program, as well as Turkey and Iraq, through the withdrawal of the winning cards, we continue the article now, and follow the official reports from time to time. .

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