Restoring “military service”: an economic or security necessity?


Oman | In the big picture, Jordan seems isolated from his surroundings, and is concerned about his health record and its economic consequences, especially given the increase in new cases of the new Corona virus with the start of the new school year, and attempts to move the economy, which has clearly entered a recession phase, according to the description and expectation of the Minister of Finance. Muhammad Al-Asses (held the position of economic adviser to King Abdullah II). Externally, and specifically in regards to the UAE and Bahrain agreements with Israel under the auspices of the United States, the Kingdom maintains a kind of “balance” in its positions, raising urgent questions about the nature of what is happening within decision-making circles, whether in the palace or in the security services that lead the deep state. Or the military establishment, which has an internal consensus on him as an “escape valve” in the middle of a volatile region.

Amid rapid developments in the region, and the new role it may generate for Amman, which may be forced by the latter at the expense of sovereign archives, especially Jerusalem, the “military service” archive comes to the fore again. , with a new way of “joining military training”, after he was completely detained since the year. 1992. The debate on the service has never departed from its link, firstly, the need for the military establishment of qualified cadres, and secondly with the layoff file by turning the unemployed into a means of training, although These two points were the reason to stop him previously, due to the adequacy of the army and the absence of unemployment compared to the current high rates (23%). In the second quarter of this year (with an expected increase), the debate is returning amid regional tensions that make it imperative that Jordan strengthen its domestic front, first through the military establishment.

The way the service was launched prevents the door from opening and exceptional recruitment

This decision issued a few days ago parallels the current government’s lack of street confidence, especially since its abuse of the Corona file has made any decision questionable. In addition, the economic impasse related to the political situation and the pressures on Oman, in the Gulf and the United States, reopened the file of compulsory “military service” with a new vision aimed at young people aged 25 to 29, provided that the service period is 12 months. Likewise, there are many conditions that restrict the category to which the service applies, among them that the person must be without work for a year before being summoned, and not be a partner of a registered company or owner of a sole proprietorship registered before the competent authorities during the last year prior to the date of the call, in addition to not being a resident. Outside the Kingdom, and be healthy, and not be the only (male) child or a regular student studying in secondary schools, institutes, colleges or universities, or the head of the family before being called up.
Observing these conditions, and with the armed forces and the Ministry of Labor overseeing the issue, questions arise about military training for just three months, then joining a training course for the remainder of the period with a nominal salary of around $ 140 per month. In form, it is a step to reduce unemployment and improve national belonging, but it comes with a sensitive circumstance in the region. This indicates the possibility that this is an attempt to avoid opening the door to open and exceptional recruitment into the ranks of the army, either because of an internal need or because Amman seeks to improve its position by providing greater services, perhaps on the side of the military. security. It should be noted that the security file represented one of the linchpins of King Abdullah’s sudden and brief visit about a week ago to the French capital, Paris, which was the second since the Corona pandemic, after the first to the Emirates that preceded the announcement of the standardization agreement.

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