Representatives of the “forces” block the legislation of the Council …


Once again, the general amnesty law was not meant to be born. Following the conclusion of the General Assembly of the Council of Representatives, which was appointed to elect two secretaries, three commissioners and committee members in place of the resigned representatives, President Nabih Berri attempted to present the accumulated points remaining from the previous session and open a legislative session to pass important and urgent laws, but the Lebanese Forces deputies in the quorum obstructed the mission.

President Berri was forced to suspend the legislative session after the quorum was eliminated following the deliberate withdrawal of the representatives of the “strong republic” bloc. He then asked, “Who are the blocks that withdrew from the session?”

Deputy Ali Hassan Khalil commented on what happened, stressing that it is imperative to take responsibility towards the legislative process, since today a large number of laws would have been completed, and there should have been the participation of parliamentarians, highlighting that the interruption of the session led to the suspension of $ 200 million for housing. .

During the segment of the session dedicated to the election of the members of the commissions, President Berri gave a speech in which he referred to the issue of the restoration of the parliament after the explosion of the port of Beirut, saying: “The companies want to bill in dollars, and we will not accept, and I insist, offers of appraisal, maintenance and restoration in Lebanese pounds. ”

He added: “I have not heard of a country in the world that is” dollarized “as a currency, such as Lebanon.”

Parliament chose its legislative “kitchen” and the heads of the committees remained unchanged, except for the Information Technology Committee, in which MP Nicolas Sehnaoui was appointed chairman in place of the resigned MP Nadim Gemayel.

Representative Hadi Abu Al-Hassan was also elected secretary of the House of Representatives Office in place of the resigned representative, Marwan Hamadeh.

Representative Ali Ammar returned from his resignation from the Supreme Council to try presidents and ministers, while Representative Ali Darwish replaced the resigned representative, Elias Hanash, on the Supreme Council, and Representative Akram Shuhayeb as chairman of the Environment Committee in instead of the resigned representative Marwan Hamadeh.


Read more in: Lebanon
