Renewal of the mandate of “UNIFIL” in Lebanon and request to facilitate its movement on the Blue Line


Arabic – News, Opinions and Radio Sputnik 8A% D8% B6-% D8% A7% D9% 84% D9% 8A% D9% 88% D9% 86% D9% 8A% D9% 81% D9% 8A% D9% 84% D9% 81% D9% 8A -% D9% 84% D8% A8% D9% 86% D8% A7% D9% 86% D9% 88% D9% 85% D8% B7% D8% A7% D9% 84% D8% A8% D8% A9- % D8% A8% D8% AA% D8% B3% D9% 87% D9% 8A% D9% 84-% D8% AA% D8% AD% D8% B1% D9% 83% D9% 87% D8% A7- % D8% B9% D9% 84% D9% 89-% D8% A7% D9% 84% D8% AE% D8% B7-% D8% A7% D9% 84% D8% A3% D8% B2% D8% B1 % D9% 82 /

Last Friday, the UN Security Council renewed for a year the mandate of the United Nations force in Lebanon “UNIFIL” and reduced their number, asking Beirut to facilitate access to the tunnels that cross the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel.

The text calls on the “government of Lebanon to facilitate rapid and full access by” UNIFIL “to the sites the force wants to investigate, including all locations north of the Blue Line, which separates Lebanon from Israel, and related to the discovery. of tunnels that allow the incursion into Israeli territory.

Rifaat Al-Badawi, consultant and researcher on regional affairs, said in an interview with the “Window to Lebanon” program about this, that there was nothing new on the issue of the renewal of the mandate of the United Nations force operating in the United Nations. south of Lebanon, since things proceeded as decreed each year, and according to the procedures followed.

Al-Badawi pointed out that what is being observed this time is an American request that aims to introduce amendments to the mission of the international forces, to allow them to enter places that in the past were not allowed, and this is something that must slow down, because this violates the mission of the international forces that were assigned since Defer it. This is a new event that falls within the framework of an American-Israeli agenda that it is trying to impose on the Lebanese side, which is taking total caution and caution against such a decision.

Details in the audio file attached to this health.
