Removal of “tainted ice cream” from eastern China



Health authorities discovered that the “ice cream” was contaminated with the emerging coronavirus, after analyzing 3 samples of it in the city of Tianjin, east China.

The official Chinese newspaper “China Daily” said that the ice cream found to be contaminated with the virus was made locally, but ingredients from Ukraine and New Zealand were used in its preparation. The manufacturer revealed that it had produced 4,836 cases of ice cream recently, of which 1,812 were sold to different provinces, while local authorities in Tianjin launched a campaign to close the cold rooms of the product.

So far, authorities have recalled 2,089 boxes of ice cream, each containing 6 packages weighing 450 grams per package, according to “China Daily,” while the rest of the shipment is being tracked.

On the other hand, he stressed that most of the funds that entered the market have not yet reached the hands of consumers.

Health authorities have asked Tianjin residents who bought the ice cream to monitor their health and report any symptoms that may arise in them. The 1,662 employees of the producing company were also quarantined and tested on Thursday, following instructions from the Tianjin Center for Disease Control. Stephen Griffin, a virologist at the University of Leeds, said that “the low temperature at which the ice cream was stored, and that it contains fats, could explain why the Corona virus was alive in it.” He added that “it is possible that the contamination came from a person”, but made it clear that “it does not seem worrisome.”
