Recommendations issued by the Emergency Committee to raise the state of alert in prisons in terms of limiting the repercussions of the spread of Corona


The Emergency Committee to raise the alert status in Lebanese prisons, formed at the initiative of the Minister of the Interior and Municipalities, Brigadier General Muhammad Fahmy, held its periodic meeting headed by the chairman of the committee in charge of prison surveillance in the Ministry of the interior and municipalities, Brigadier Fares Fares, to follow up on the evolution of the measures adopted in the face of the repercussions of the spread of the Corona virus.

The committee issued the following recommendations:

– Pay due attention to the possibility of resuming the trial sessions in the courtroom of the central building of Roumieh prison, after it was recently detained due to current health conditions.
Cooperate with international organizations to help and contribute to ensuring the vital necessities of prisons in parallel with the treatment of the wounded.
Activate the procedures for remote interrogations using videoconferencing technology, provided that the necessary equipment and training is ensured.
– Activate the implementation of the provisions of article 108 of the Criminal Procedure in terms of expediting the determination of the release of detainees, under the conditions of the aforementioned article, in parallel with the application of the provisions of the Prison Execution Law allows the reduction of the sentence of the convicted within specific controls.
Finding quarantine places for Covid-19 infected prisoners and working to meet their daily living needs.

The committee also kept its meetings open to be aware of every possible development of the events.

In this context, the General Directorate reminded the Internal Security Forces that it facilitates communication between injured inmates and their families through telephones concentrated in prisons, indicating that families can send a message through the “messenger” application. on the Facebook account of the Internal Security Forces (lebisf) to follow up on the conditions. Health inmates, if necessary.

The management confirmed that the Public Relations Division will issue reports on a permanent basis, to publish new cases in prisons, in order to inform public opinion and the families of the injured of all the news.
