Reassure the public about the Corona Falanges vaccine administration mechanism


The Health Minister in the interim government assured citizens that the lifting of subsidies will not harm the drug, in addition to the fact that the Corona vaccine administration mechanism is being studied by a specialized medical team.

Acting government Health Minister Hamad Hassan assured citizens that increasing the subsidy will not harm medicine for the poor class, “but the wealthy will have options.”

Hassan’s words were produced in an intervention he made on the LBC channel, in which he explained that the correction of the prices of “generic” drugs will be carried out before the end of the year, pointing to the need for a unified tender for guarantors.

Noting that the debate on the rationalization of support for medical supplies will begin today, he considered that the rationalization of support should be reflective and called for preserving medication for chronic and incurable diseases.

He continued: “We must promote local industry and exports, and we must rationalize the use of medicine and not use it randomly.”

Regarding the Corona vaccine, he said: “When the funds required for payment are available, the Corona vaccines will arrive consecutively and initially in mid-February, and we have a committee to administer the Corona vaccine.”

In response to a question about the approved safe mechanism for the administration of the vaccine, he said: “The administration of the vaccine is studied according to a safe mechanism by the technical and scientific committee for administering the Corona vaccine and a group of competent doctors with a ministerial logistics team so that the citizen is not distracted by the method of administration of the vaccine ”.

