“Rare” astronomical discovery … Earth-like “supernatural” observation


Astronomers have discovered a “very rare” planet, similar to planet Earth, that orbits a star about a tenth the size of the sun and within 25,000 light years, according to the British newspaper “Daily Mail” on Tuesday.

Astronomers at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand monitored the outer planet, noting that only a third of the 4,000 exoplanets discovered so far are rocky planets.

Astrologers say the star around which the planet is orbiting is so small that they cannot tell if its mass is too low or if it is a “brown dwarf,” also known as a “failed star.”

“Size, orbit and location increase the rarity of the newly discovered planet,” the newspaper quoted Dr. Herrera Martin of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand as saying.

Astronomers observed the planet’s host star for five days, but managed to discover the planet after five hours of continuous observation, before it appeared disorganized and confirmed its existence.

Martin noted that the new planet orbits at a location between Earth and Venus in the solar system, but the year is 617 days, because the star itself is much smaller than the sun.

He explained that the new planet is among the few exoplanets that have been discovered with sizes and orbits close to Earth. Scientists were able to monitor this discovery using advanced imaging technology.

The so-called “super-Earth” planet is an extrasolar planet with a mass that is higher than the mass of Earth.

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