Rania Stephan … “defeating time” online


Marfa Gallery announced that until November 26, the public will be able to follow Threshold of Lebanese director and video artist Rania Stephan (1960 – photo) through LOOP Online. It is a video installation based entirely on the Egyptian science fiction film “Conqueror of Time” (1987 – 105d) produced by “Rania Films”.

Science fiction is a very minor genre in the rich and diverse history of mainstream Egyptian cinema, which has drawn heavily on structure, genres, and Hollywood novels. Threshold was built on the intuition that if this sci-fi movie were to be emptied of all its fantastic elements, keeping only the transition planes marked by doors, gates, and border intersections, then the “conqueror of time” would reveal its essence: obsession for immortality and the prolongation of time. But even though the film was cleared of its plot, there was still enough imagination for the viewer to understand the threads of the narrative. However, the viewer joins the main character, “Mr. Kamel”, to get stuck in space and time. Thus, the science fiction experiment multiplies. Keep in mind that this new and condensed version of “The Conqueror of Time” is on the threshold of imagination, abstraction, storytelling, experimentation, film and art.

Threshold Video Screening – Until Tuesday, November 24, via LOOP Online (to register: click here).

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