Protests, explosions and resignations … the most prominent events in Lebanon for 2020


The year 2020 closes its last days in Lebanon, in the shadow of the crises and disappointments that afflicted the Lebanese at various economic, political and security levels.

The Lebanese unanimously agree that 2020 is one of the worst years that have passed. In fact, some of them point out that what they suffered from the repercussions of the financial crisis and the seizure of depositors’ money and the loss of the Lebanese pound more than 80% of its value, in addition to the explosion of the Beirut port, did not suffer it during the period of the civil war that struck Lebanon during the seventies and eighties of the last century.

The following are the 2020 highlights in Lebanon:


Popular protests continue in various Lebanese regions against the corruption of the ruling political class.

On January 13, Hamra Street witnessed riots and protesters destroyed and burned the facades of several banks.

On January 21, Lebanese President Michel Aoun issued a decree to form a new government headed by Hassan Diab, which included 20 ministers.


Lebanon registered the first infection with the Coronavirus on February 21, from a Lebanese citizen from Iran.

Street protests continue to demand the prosecution of the corrupt.

On February 28, the Lebanese authorities closed all educational institutions due to the spread of the new Corona virus.


Lebanon fails to pay its Eurobond debts for the first time on March 7, and Prime Minister Hassan Diab announced in a letter to the Lebanese that the reserves had reached a critical and dangerous level, which would push the Lebanese government to suspend the maturity of the Eurobonds on March 9.

Lebanon announces for the first time a state of general mobilization and a state of health emergency to deal with the emerging corona virus on March 15.


The Central Bank of Lebanon establishes, for the first time, a new dollar exchange rate in private banks.


Extension of the state of health emergency due to the Coronavirus outbreak on May 5.

The exchange rate of the dollar against the Lebanese pound continued to rise on the black market, ranging from £ 4,000 for sale to £ 4,100 for purchase.

Lebanon officially held the first round of negotiations with the International Monetary Fund via video technology on May 13.


Lebanese Foreign Minister Nassif Hitti summons the US ambassador on June 28 in response to statements criticizing the government.


French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian visits Beirut on July 22 and will meet with its senior officials.

A record rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Lebanese pound on the black market as it hovered between 9200 and 9400 on July 7


Foreign Minister Nassif Hitti resigned from his post on August 3, after it was not possible to carry out his duties in the historical and fateful circumstances that Lebanon is going through, according to his official statement.

A large explosion rocked the port of Beirut on August 4, killing hundreds of dead and thousands of wounded, in addition to heavy material losses in all areas surrounding the port.

Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab revealed on August 5 that 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate were behind the Beirut port explosion, while the Supreme Defense Council declared a state of emergency for a period of two weeks and considered to Beirut a city in disaster.

Hassan Diab resigned as prime minister on August 10, following the attack on the port of Beirut.
French President Emmanuel Macron visited Beirut on August 6, on a solidarity visit after the port explosion.

The issuance of the International Special Court ruling in the case of the murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri on August 18, and the indictment of “Hezbollah” member Salim Ayyash in the murder case.

On August 30, Lebanese President Michel Aoun appointed Lebanon’s ambassador to Berlin, Mustafa Adib, to form the government, having gained the support of a majority of parliamentarians during parliamentary consultations.


Lebanon celebrates the centenary of Greater Lebanon in the presence of French President Emmanuel Macron.

A large fire broke out on September 10 in the port of Beirut, a month after the explosion.


The school year has resumed in Lebanon, after many months of school closings due to the spread of the coronavirus.

The start of negotiations to demarcate the indirect borders between Lebanon and Israel, under the auspices of the United Nations, in the presence of the United States Under Secretary of State for Near East Affairs, David Schenker, and the United States Ambassador, John Deruscher, October 14.

The first annual revival of the October 17 revolution in downtown Beirut.

Assign Saad Hariri to form the new government on October 22, after obtaining 65 votes in parliamentary consultations.


Lebanon registers a high number of wounded in Corona and the government decides a general shutdown in the country on November 10.


Judge Fadi Sawan, on December 10, judicial investigator in the file of the attack on the port of Beirut, against the acting Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, and the former Minister of Finance Ali Hassan Khalil and the former Ministers of Public Works, Ghazi Zaiter and Youssef Fenianos, for the crime of negligence and negligence and causing the death and damage of hundreds of people in the explosion. Port of Beirut.

The formation of the Lebanese government has stalled, after Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri announced after his meeting with President Michel Aoun on December 23 that there were some obstacles in the government formation process.
