President of the World Health Organization: It is wrong to vaccinate younger adults in rich countries before adults in poor countries


The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus, said that “it is not correct” to vaccinate the youngest and healthiest adults in rich countries against the Corona virus, before the elderly in poor countries.

On how to distribute coronavirus vaccines in the world, Tedros said: “Only 25 doses of virus vaccines have been administered, in a low-income country, not 25 million, not 25,000, only 25, I must be frank.” Without specifying the name of the country.

However, Ethiopia’s World Health Organization chief praised the scientific achievement behind the introduction of Corona virus vaccines, less than a year after the outbreak of the epidemic in China, where a World Organization-backed team de la Salud has now been deployed to analyze the origins of the Corona virus.

“Vaccines are an arm shot that we all need, literally and figuratively, but now we face a real danger, which is that even as vaccines bring hope to some, they become another building block in the wall of inequality. between the world of those who have and those who have not, “he added. . “

Tedros also criticized once again the “bilateral agreements” between pharmaceutical companies and countries that undermine the capacity of the “COVAX” program, supported by the WHO, which aims to obtain vaccines for all countries according to need, noting that “Most manufacturers have prioritized regulatory approval in rich countries, where profits are higher, rather than providing data to the World Health Organization, so they can approve the use of vaccines on a larger scale.

Source: “The Associated Press”
