President Diab chairs the meeting of the Ministerial Committee to monitor the vaccination plan against the “Crown”: The cry of the people is heard … and we do not want to waste the closure with hasty decisions


Acting Prime Minister Dr. Hassan Diab chaired, in Saraya, the ministerial committee meeting to follow up on the vaccination plan against the Corona epidemic,

In the presence of Ministers Zeina Aker, Imad Hoballah, Michel Najjar, Ramzi Al-Musharrafiya, Hamad Hassan, Talal Hawat, Fartine Ohanian and Charbel Wahba, Chairman of the Parliamentary Health Committee, MP Assem Araji, Chairman of the Vaccination Committee Dr. Abdel -Rahman Al-Bizri, Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Judge Mahmoud Makiya Secretary General of the Supreme Defense Council, Major General Mahmoud Al-Asmar, on behalf of the scientific committee of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Walid Ammar, Dr. Mahmoud Zalzali , Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs, Walid Khoury, and advisers to the Prime Minister, Khader Talib, Petra Khoury and Hussein Kaafrani. The Minister, Mohamed Fahmy, and the World Health Organization, Dr. Iman Al-Shanqeeti, participated through the “Zoom” application.

President Diab spoke at the beginning of the meeting and said: “Today begins the countdown to the launch of the national vaccination campaign against the Corona epidemic. This means that the time has come to gradually restore our normal lives, not only in Lebanon, but all over the world. Today we will discuss the vaccination campaign plan, and announce it. At noon. “

He added: “We went through a very difficult phase. The Corona epidemic added a very heavy burden to Lebanon, which faces serious financial, economic, social and life crises. I hope today that with the victory over the Corona epidemic, life “The cycle returns to the whole world, and Lebanon benefits from the return of the economic cycle that can be done.” Contribute to alleviating crises, but, in fact, the key to solutions to crises in Lebanon is training of a government that complements the reforms that we have initiated, implements them, follows up on negotiations with the International Monetary Fund, and begins to implement the economic plan prepared by our government, after making modifications to it based on the changes that have occurred. plan, the political priority today must be to form a government. With some rounded corners, there is the possibility of reducing the suffering of Lebanon by forming a government that faces big challenges. The social, vital, economic and financial priority is also to form a government.

Diab stated that “the cry of the people is understood and heard … The Lebanese face enormous challenges. The state provides aid despite their difficult financial situation, and the army has started distributing the new batch of 400,000 lira. of aid to approximately a quarter of a million families, it is true that this aid does not meet their needs, but it contributes to the reduction of burdens, however, there is a big difference between the sincere expression of people’s pain, and between acts of sabotage and attacks on state institutions and people’s property There is a huge difference between people who are really in need and between political investment in their needs and distorting the legitimate demands of the people.

He said: “What we have seen in the last two days does not resemble the demands of the people, nor does it express their suffering. What we have seen is an attempt to hijack the demands of the people and use them in political battles. It is not allowed to sabotage the city of Tripoli to send political messages from it. It is unacceptable for Tripoli to remain, or whatever. A region of Lebanon, a mailbox on fire. Roads must not be closed to the people, in the context of logic of defiant politics.

He continued: “The government is not formed or disturbed by burning tires, blocking roads, attacking state institutions and against internal security forces and the Lebanese army. Unfortunately, what is happening increases the suffering of the Lebanese. The epidemic is is spreading rapidly, and had it not been for the general shutdown, things would have reached the level of national disaster. The death toll. The escalation is an indication of the scale of the disaster that was coming. We would have seen very painful scenes in the streets and in front of hospitals. And whoever has been hit by the epidemic in recent weeks knows how long they have waited their turn to get a hospital bed, or an oxygen device. The Corona epidemic takes the breath of the Lebanese, and the closure is an attempt to stop the advance. This deadly epidemic. The general closure has slowed the advance of the epidemic, and if the Lebanese adhere to the he means of protection, we can win, gradually restore our lives and open the country in a thoughtful way. and in an orderly manner. As for the situation we find ourselves in, and if the Lebanese do not comply, the epidemic will again spread at record speed. “I cannot bear tragic scenes at the doors of hospitals. People’s lives are more important than anything else I have.”

He added: “The economy is coming back, and the social and living suffering is a bit patient with some help, but if we lose people’s lives we can’t get it back. The people we lost in this epidemic know this feeling, and he knows”. pain that left very deep wounds in their lives. Patience is the key to relief, “We need patience for a few days, until we start to see the results of the general shutdown. We don’t want to waste this closure with hasty decisions. “

He said: “We are open to discussion, and yesterday we launched an electronic platform to study requests from institutions that there is a real need to open, in addition to an electronic platform for those arriving through the airport. There is a great effort by the work teams that have been making efforts from year to day to face the epidemic. “Today we will announce the vaccination plan prepared by the Ministry of Health, which made a tremendous and exceptional effort and with very modest capacities, for a whole year, in challenging this epidemic. I made a clear and special effort. It brings well-being to everyone “.

Then, Minister Hamad Hassan and Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Bizri presented the objectives and basic principles of the plan.
